MeMes About Some Strange Doctors and Friends

in Hive Learners29 days ago (edited)

Hello Hive Learners Community! Welcome to my blog. Whenever a crisis prevails in our country, then they are our Friends and Doctors who help us with the best strategies to save ourselves from the impacts of this crisis. But all are not equal. I mean nowadays all Doctors are not doctors and all friends are not friends. Doctors have changed their profession into money looters while friends turned into interest seekers. Wherever there is interest, our friends can be found there. I'm hurt by both Genres. I'm going to explain my sadness reasons into the memes world.

Less Doctor skills but more looter in Nature

Today I visited a Dermatologist because I've scabies issues. I paid her fee which was four times more than the appointment fee of my previous physician. I didn't count money because It was the matter of my health that was more precious to me. I was weird and confused by the questions asked by the Dermatologist. It looked like I carried out other problems by visiting her clinic because I was infected only by Scabies.


Era to pay Doctors for Dying

Nowadays it is sad to see, that doctors have their eyes on the money. They didn't care about patients, they cared about their bank balance. They are pissing our Public which is bad. When I was sad and asked the doctor that Ouch! I want to die. His response was very shocking. He said to me that I could pay him for a Formalin Injection (Formalin is poison for human internal Organs) then he would help me in easy death. Seriously, I shall pay for my death. Strange doctor, it was!


Doctor's Hilarious Prescription

If you are paying well then the doctor will prescribe goo. Have you experienced when you paid less to your doctor than he has prescribed only a few medicines? In most cases, it will be No because doctors get their commission from their recommended medicines hence if you paid them less then they will load you with Medicine in their prescription.


Some friends are Strange but are friends

One Year ago, I was gifted with a few real friends but nowadays I've many virtual friends on Hive Platforms who are a big blessing from God. Whenever my mum asked what am I doing with my phone? I answered her that I was having a conversation with my friends. Although they are virtual they all have beautiful hearts.


Fun About Neoxian City

Although I'm not dancer but I did my best to entertain my friends with my moves. Everytime when I won Neoxian Dance Giveaway, my level of excitement has no limit. I jump with Joy and my heart already started dancing. My neoxian friends always leave funny marks about my dance. Their most vulnerable answer that I enjoyed is,
"Your Dance is not Dancing hence You are not a good dancer 😂"
Anyway I loved their remarks Because they are still motivational.


Strange Girl

If you've experienced a relationship story or you are in you relationship then you will be aware about my this meme. Yes, whenever girls are angry or sad then they don't like to answer our most questions. If they speak some words then these words are mostly nullifying our sentiments about them.


University Expectations

Whenever we secure admission in different Universities then our expectations have no limit. My all friends are broken now because their expectations are now source of hurt for them. Including me, I'm more broken from them than my single life.


All Love's Stories are not Real

Today is my babe's love Anniversary. I can remember her sweet words when she proposed me. At the end, she separated from me by breaking my heart. Today there are many friends who are sending me text about her anniversary to remind me about her love that was not real.


These all memes are part of my Friends and Doctors Fun- Meme Edition, I hope you enjoyed my all memes. My this post is my entry for HL Creative Sunday. Thanks!

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 29 days ago  

Your dance always get highlights. Whenever you dance we see you with our wide and open eyes 😂 👀.

 28 days ago  

You only need to close your eyes and stop breathing to fully enjoy my dance 😂.
I'm happy Taha you found my dance as a fun.

 29 days ago  

Lol that I don't know rocked.

 28 days ago  

Ahmad, you didn't know many things 😂. You need to learn from Taha.

 29 days ago  

Patient is basically dead got me rolling on the floor 😂😂

 29 days ago  

Why are you rolling on the floor? You need to roll on the thorns, have a good day. And thanks for your contribution.

 29 days ago  

😅😅😅. Am rolling on the floor too @aslamrer . This one rock.

Happy Creative Sunday.

 28 days ago  

Thank you 😂
There is no need to roll, just enjoy and pray.

 28 days ago  

Sure. I really enjoyed it. Praying too for better days. Enjoy your week.

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