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RE: Stand up for Truth

in Hive Learners7 months ago (edited)

You have tried to raise your hands against a bigger fish, happy to know that still some peeps exist who are brave enough to discriminate between right and wrong loudly ( as I consider myself only the speaker person who isn't bold enough to eradicate the amiss measures)

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 7 months ago  

In Lahore, people don't fear the ranks and position of the wrong person. We see if anyone is right, we shall stand up with him. Although, these cases are very rare, these people exist and are doing justice for others. Thank you for your great words and appreciation for me ❤️❤️.

 7 months ago  

Then I shall move to Lahore for sure, maybe my soul will be gratified after standing against all the little disputes 😁 more powers to you 🪄