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in Hive Learners2 years ago

we provide you with the best quality of honey.

I suppose you (honey bees) sacrifice your food to us.

Our queen don't give speeches to us like your politicians.

I guess ladies are always influencers, outspoken and silly (when she thinks that her motivation is affecting her husband 😂)

we can be stingless,

Then you wouldn't survive 😁 as sweet and sting are nothing without each other. ( don't you dare to apply honey on a wound it would cause burning)

 2 years ago (edited) 

sacrifice your food to us.

Is it food or ehhhh

I guess ladies are always influencers

Reminds me about mahriyam nawaz xD

as sweet and sting are nothing without each other.

Stingless bee honey is popular is some regions. People prefer stingless bees when farming honey in there homes or near population. !PIZZA with !LUV

 2 years ago  

Yes, it's their food which we eat instead.
Don't you dare to consider Maryam Nawaz as influencer, can plastic doll merit this rank??
Good to know about stingless, even though I have come to know about this foe for the first time.
Haven't you heard the music they play😂