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RE: Your Anger is Valid

in Hive Learners2 years ago

This was an excellent read. I've always said that anger itself is not bad, it's how you react when angry.

I feel anger is a sort of self defense mechanism to protect yourself from adverse effects.

People treat you the way you allow them to

I totally agree with you on this, especially when it's your first time meeting them. People at times unconsciously do some things that may anger you, and when you don't tell let them know they may not see anything wrong in it. I've seen myself in such situations one or two times in the past.

 2 years ago  

My man!

Anger is simply a relfection of one's perception to a matter. We really cannot control how others behave to us, but we sure can control how we respond. In the end, it is all about mindset. It is however important that one makes their boundaries known, as this makes things a little better in the long run.

Good to see you here, man.

 2 years ago  

I feel we actually can, even if it's just a little bit, influence how people treat us. Not necessarily by anger, but by making our boundaries known.