Bad Market For The Kidnappers

in Hive Learnerslast month

Most times when I am in a tough situation or on a long journey, I sometimes imagine that I might get kidnapped. Weird right? But I tend to imagine silly things. I have heard people who were kidnapped and released without anything being done to them and most times I wonder how possible that is. Other times I hear of people who were kidnapped and they were killed or some were kidnapped and then they had to pay ransom and then they were released. Either way, being kidnapped as to be the scariest thing ever.


If I ever get kidnapped and then get dropped 25 minutes later because I can’t stop talking about a particular thing, that thing will be the Country’s economy. A few times I have entered a public transport and seen people bond together because they were talking about the country’s economy.

If I am ever kidnapped, I will be talking about the country’s economy and how the economy is affecting everyone including me and my family. Most people can not avoid a discussion that includes the country's economy and its negative influence on their lives in one way or another. So I will immediately bring up a conversation and talk well about how the country’s economy is affecting me and my family. I will let them know that we are all hustling for our daily bread.

I will make them feel uncomfortable with my conversation because I will talk so well about how we can’t even afford one meal for a day. I will even make them contribute by asking them how they are coping and asking them if there is even space for me to join the kidnapping business because the country isn’t smiling at anyone. Most people get so frustrated when your problem seems to be much more than theirs so they will get tired at some point and push me out of the vehicle because obviously, I am bad business.

I have a high knowledge of the economy of the country because I am an adult and I have responsibilities. I have come to the age where I know why most people partake in illegal business. The country has made it so easy for even a 5-year-old child to tell you that the economy is becoming worse. Before now, you will need to study economics to know more about the country’s economy.

Right now all you need to do is go into the market and the market women will let you know about the economy. You could even learn so much about the economy in just one day by entering public transport and making just a simple statement of “This country is tiring” That is when you will get different opinions and views concerning the country and everything relating to the economy.

Everyone is hustling, so with my extensive knowledge concerning the Country’s economy, I am sure that I could get my kidnappers bored and they will kick me out with my continuous ranting and complaints about my life.

All images used are mine except otherwise stated

Thanks for stopping by💕
Cheers 🥂

 last month  

As long as the kidnappers are Nigerian, I believe they would react to you talking about the economy. They can relate well to how harsh it is.

If the country's economy was good they would not be kidnappers.

 last month  

I don’t think the economy determines the kidnappers, there are always social vices even if the economy is great

 last month  

Hmmm, that's true.

 last month  

Hi beeeee, I believe the economy is a good topic to discuss about but to discuss it with your kidnappers is a funny thing, having such an intellectual discussion with kidnappers it's sounds great in a funny way😂😂

 last month  

😄😄, it's really a bad market for them. They didn't make enough research before carrying out their operation.

 last month  

😂😂😂😂 yes please

Just don't reveal you are wealthy or they will demand even more money!

 last month  

Exactly 😂😂😂

You were up late!

 last month  

I'm sorry but I couldn't help but imagine a scenario where the kidnappers are deaf orrrr they don't speak your language😁😂.

Nonetheless, talking about the economy can bore a person so much as they are actively experiencing the lashes of the economy and do not need to be reminded by their kidnapee.

 last month  

You are right😂😂 the deaf kidnapper will really be terrible no freedom

Hahaha they will see that you are bad market indeed because shishi dem no go see.

But seriously, the economy of the country is not helping matters and it's really affecting everyone.

I came in from dreemport.

 last month  

Thank you for stopping by☺️☺️

 last month  

These kidnappers are very wicked and even making a sound can make them angry and they might shoot. You know these guys usually takes drugs before going out for their business 😂.

 last month  

You are right oh but it’s just imagination 😂😂😂

Well, maybe you have forgotten the trauma that comes with it.

There was a time someone close to me experienced the kidnap of someone close to him, it was a unforgettable experience. Yes, I was not the one that was kidnapped but the trauma does not make me pray for anyone to experience it.

I don't want to imagine one minute with kidnappers. No, not one bit.

But you are right about the economy being a good topic to talk about in case hehehe.
#dreemerforlife from #dreemport

 last month  

Talking about the harsh economy will sure make them get pissed
