From Appearance to Skills: What Employers Really Look For in Interviews

in Hive Learners25 days ago

What is your personality? It makes a lot of difference if you have gone for an interview. If you are fit for the office and your personality is attractive then it makes a lot of difference and firstly, if your personality is good and attractive then it also increases your confidence. If your physical appearance is not special then you feel a little demotivated and this is also quite common. It is said that the first impression is the last impression. If you are meeting someone for the first time, they think many things about you. Until you interact with them, they think a lot about you. Sometimes it is not what we think, that is why it is said that "do not judge a book by its cover". Sometimes some people who are very attractive and look very good in appearance are not so good in reality and some people are just good to look at, they do not have intelligence but some people have all these qualities. And He is the first in everything.

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Whenever we go to a job interview, our appearance matters a lot. If your physical appearance is good and you are wearing very nice clothes, then it makes a lot of difference. Your appearance is the reason behind your interview and people get attracted or impressed by you. Many interviews just check your personality and confidence level. Many interviews are conducted only for the sake of success. It does not even matter whether you know the correct answer to the question asked in the interview or not. They simply check your confidence level and if you are successful in it. If yes then your job is left. No matter what type of questions are asked to you in the interview, if you answer with full confidence then it makes a lot of difference and even if you join any company, you have to learn everything by going there. Education is of no use anywhere, it definitely helps you but you get to learn practical things only by going to a company.

It is not that only personality is considered everywhere. If you are very smart then on the basis of that you can get jobs and you get them. It all depends on the companies and what kind of people they want to hire. If someone is from the marketing field and when she is looking for people, she wants people on the basis of personality and skills. If someone goes to hire on the basis of programming or other things, then she will hire only those kinds of people. Appearance does not matter to them. They will focus more on skills and will recruit only those whose skills are better. Everything depends on the profile of the job, mostly what I have seen is that girl who are more beautiful have more chances of getting a job whereas girls who are normal-looking have more chances. Nowadays, there is a shortage of jobs and hence the competition has also increased a lot.

I believe that along with your skills, you should also pay some attention to your physicality. You should also work on your personality development. But honourable, when your personality is good then your confidence is of the next level. If your personality is something special. If it is not there then you also feel hello and sometimes it is necessary for you to realize this. I would like to tell you that even if you are skilled in something, you should try to pay attention to your physical appearance and improve yourself. Along with skills, physical appearance also matters. If your physical appearance is good your confidence is also boosted and you are able to do things better, it is said that "a healthy mind resides in a healthy body". If your body is healthy, then you feel like doing any work and also feel good. If you are healthy, meaning you do not have any disease, then you experience a different pleasure. If you are sick, you feel something. You don't have the energy to do anything, you feel tired and a lot of other things happen.

I think it all depends on the person who is conducting the interview, what is his mindset, and what he thinks, if he pays more attention to his personality and other things than his skills, then he will do the same if emotions are more than appearance. If someone is looking for the skills and talent of the person, then he will look for the same and it will not matter to him about other things, here everything can change from person to person, we cannot change it, but the thing that is in our hands is ourselves. If you are looking for a job then you will have to give an interview, just prepare for it work on yourself and invest in yourself because investment in yourself never goes to waste and is always necessary.

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see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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 24 days ago  

!giphy yummy

Physical appearance matters a lot. I have experienced this directly

 16 days ago  

indeed that is true, we all should work on that too.

!giphy thank you so much


𝙒𝙚𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙨𝙞𝙧

 25 days ago  

I didn't face any interview till now but I can understand that the physical appearance can create a lot of differences because talent and skills should be checked first. At the same time, I think in some cases checking the physical appearance is also necessary.

 24 days ago  

ek din to krna he padega bhai, ha agar khud ka kuch suru kr diya to baat alag he hai 😆


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 25 days ago  

you are correct. the physical appearance is very important. skills are also important

 24 days ago  

indeed, physical appearance did mattes a lot. thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts here. 🙏❤️

 24 days ago  

You're welcome

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I think it all depends on the person who is conducting the interview

This holds more weight than the rest of the interview. That's why I try to get to know who will be the one asking the questions because it doesn't really matter what you got if the interviewer is looking for something outside what you can give. Sometimes it is just luck that the HR in charge was absent and you wind up getting the more lenient ones to do the interview.

 24 days ago  

We share same viewpoint you know that sometime, the interviewer already takes a decision by mere looking at your physical appearance? Even before going into your skills...our appearance shouldn't be ignored no matter the skills we have because you wouldn't know if the person to interview you is the type that overlook appearance or not... just dressing appropriately is the best please in the competitive world.