in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)


Love is a beautiful thing as most would say. With love, we get to experience the purest emotions. We have various types of love, the love we have for our parents, siblings, self, friends, partners etc. We express our love to them in different ways but there is one common thing, we love them all and would go to great lengths for them.

All the things I can do for love, how far are you willing to go


There are several things I thought I couldn’t do before I fell in love. When you are genuinely in love there is this urge to do right by those whom you love. That is why most of us try our best to make them happy in the best way we can. Some of the few things I can do for love are.

Be there for them and support them
Oftentimes we are only vulnerable around those we love and it is that same way for them. Whenever those I love come to me for anything I try my best to be there for them and help with what they need at that moment. It may even be a simple hug or a listening ear.

Spend quality time with them
I am selectively social, I don’t necessarily like to be around people but the people I love I would gladly share my space with them. I love spending quality time with those I love. Despite my busy schedule I love to make out time to connect with them.

Accept their flaws
I am not perfect and neither is the person I love. During times of conflict, it is important to remember that I am not in love with a God and therefore they may do some things that do not sit right with me. I am willing to forgive them and help find better ways to improve ourselves.

There are a lot of other things I would do for those I love, it makes me happy to make them happy.

Things I would never do for love


Love is one of the purest emotions and can also be the most dangerous. Sometimes we may be tempted to go to the extreme but for me, there is a place I draw a line.

Go against my integrity

I cannot soil my integrity for love. Those who know me know the one thing that matters most to me is my word. That is one thing I would never go back on for anyone no matter how much I love you, in the same vein I won’t lie or bear false witness just because I love a person. My principles and values do not get altered for someone else, as much as I love them, I always remember to put myself first.

Endure Abuse

I also won’t endure abuse of any form because of love. Love is not one-sided hence it should be reciprocated to the best of their abilities. If they choose to abuse me in any way, form or manner. It is safe to assume they do not love me and the wisest thing to do would be to remove myself from that environment.

Love is a good thing to experience and I hope every one of us finds the love we are looking for.

Thanks to #hivelearners for this opportunity to talk about love!

Thanks for stopping by❤

 2 years ago  

Love shouldn't make us loose our self respect. I agree with you pertaining abuse, it should not be considered as love.

 2 years ago  

Love shouldn't make us lose our self-respect.

We shouldn't lose any part of ourselves because of love. love should help us improve our lives better.

Thank you for your comment

 2 years ago  

Love is what we all longed for. What you stated above are hose perfect things one must do for love. If you truly want your love to remain, then fight for it and claim what belongs to you.

 2 years ago  

Yes indeed, every good love is worth fighting for.

Thank you for stopping by

Love does funny things to us, doesn't it... I'm rooting for the two of you, you make a lovely couple ❤️ But as you said...there is always the line... and nobody should ever cross the line of disrespect. !ALIVE !PIZZA

 2 years ago  

I'm rooting for the two of you, you make a lovely couple

Thank you so much, I appreciate it.

nobody should ever cross the line of disrespect

I agree, anyone who claims to love us should also be able to respect and appreciate us.

 2 years ago  

even though we love someone we also have to take care of what should be taken care of because it's all for the good of the future, sometimes many people forget that

 2 years ago  

Indeed, it is important to consider the future and not be blinded by love.

Thank you for stopping by

 2 years ago  

i agre

These points listed are really important.
Especially the bit on integrity, anything that makes you compromise your values is definitely not for you. Because once that line is crossed you will not be happy with yourself or with the person.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

I agree, I think those who love you would not put you in a comprising situation for selfish reasons.

Thank you for stopping by

 2 years ago (edited) 

It's just so unbelievable how I overlook the flaws of my partner just because I love him. I guess it's also the case for others who are genuinely in love.
Love Is deep!
Thanks for sharing 🤗

 2 years ago  

Lol, there are a lot of things I told myself I would never do that I do for my current partner. When you truly love someone some rules can be broken for them.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate it ❤

 2 years ago  

True! I can relate.
You're welcome 🤗

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 2 years ago  

I agree with you especially the part to endure abuse all in the name of love.
That way beyond love and not even love.
Love is a pure emotion.
Love will make you care and not beat.

 2 years ago  

That way beyond love and not even love.

I have seen people who say, "he acts like that because he loves me" when enduring abuse. I shake my head and tell them that is not love, they are just being delusional.

Thank you for your comment!

 2 years ago  

Yeah delusional is the word.

 2 years ago  

That was a massive write-up
Thanks for reminding me to place my integrity first above everything else

 2 years ago  

Thank you!

 2 years ago  

I also won’t endure abuse of any form because of love. Love is not one-sided hence it should be reciprocated to the best of their abilities. If they choose to abuse me in any way, form or manner. It is safe to assume they do not love me and the wisest thing to do would be to remove myself from that environment.

I hear you dear.. A lot of people endure abuse, all in the name of love especially woman.. I am tired of seeing this happen around me and I hope someday everyone would be realize that it is important for us to be safe people and live in safe places.. For our mental wellbeing..

Good writing dear 👍👍

 2 years ago  

I am tired of seeing this happen around me and I hope someday everyone would realize that it is important for us to be safe people and live in safe places

Exactly, I understand that for some people it is hard to leave and may even be dangerous but I hope they find the courage to do so. If not for anything else but for their lives.

Thank you for your comment!

 2 years ago  

Abuse is very important to state that no one should ensure that because of love.

 2 years ago  

Thank you!

 2 years ago  

Spending quality time with your partner strengthens the relationship and it's very wrong to stay in a relationship that is abusive

 2 years ago  

I agree with you.

Thank you!

 2 years ago  

Accepting one's flaws seems like the hardest part of love. It takes a very passionate person to accept someone with all their flaws and this is such a huge sacrifice to make.
It's nice it's something you can do as well.

And yes, I bet you on this one too, I can't trade my integrity for anything not even love😂😂🤣

 2 years ago  

Accepting one's flaws seems like the hardest part of love

It does take a while to get comfortable with someone's flaws but when you love someone, you tend to accept all that comes with loving them as long as it doesn't affect you negatively.

Thank you for stopping by

 2 years ago  

I get. The pleasure is all mine

 2 years ago  

Although love is long suffering like the bible said, I still will not suffer abuse for love. I enjoyed reading your entry. Wishing you the best

 2 years ago  

Thank you!

Well written 😊

 2 years ago  

Thank you!

 2 years ago  

Beautifully and sincerely written.
When we love someone we overlook a lot of things, we are patient with those we love.
Love should never be abusive in any form, once it is, then one needs to check well. Thank you for sharing.

 2 years ago  

Love is such a beautiful thing and it's really a great thing to find love. when we're genuinely in love they're a number of things we can do and out of all that you listed..this one caught my attention the most.

Accept their flaws
I am not perfect and neither is the person I love. During times of conflict, it is important to remember that I am not in love with a God and therefore they may do some things that do not sit right with me. I am willing to forgive them and help find better ways to improve ourselves

People always fail to understand this fact. People arnt perfect and it's quite important to always appreciate someone for their flaws. That's what makes us unique and human

For the DONTs .. Enduring Abuse really irritates me and get me angry every time. Someone is doing things , bad things to you and you're saying I'm too in love to tf are you talking one should have to endure abuse because of love..never.

Pretty great post @blezyn ..thanks for sharing ❤️

 2 years ago  

Very well, @blezyn I see that you are also one the fact that one could do all for love as long as it stays on the area of good and not a parasitic thing!!

Beautiful reflection about love! 😊 I would like to explore and add one point of view, especially about the Endure Abuse part if I could 🤗

I totally agree with you when you say that any form of abuse is not love and the best thing to do is to remove yourself from those situations! However, I think there can exist some contexts when is not that easy to run away from those situations. I think in a way we usually think of abuse and violence in a physical manner.

From some situations I witnessed this, including with a friend of mine, the abuse usually starts in a very subtle way, mostly psychological, making the victim become isolated from friends and familly. This sometimes goes to a point here the abuser completelly destroys the victim's self-confidence and their notion of self-worth. In my experience, that is usually why sometimes the victims can't see they are being abused and even with warning of friends and familly they stay with the abuser.

What basically I'm trying to say is that sometimes, people who are not in that particular situation can view it from a very logical perspective. Meaning like "my partner is being abusive so I will leave him/her". But on the other hand, the victim can be in a position of so low self-confidence and isolation that they are unable to see it that way or even if they do see it, they may not have the emotional capability to do it alone.

I apolagize if I diversed a little bit from your beautiful topic about love and the awesome way you expressed it! This just crossed my mind and I wanted to share it with you ^^

Sending !LUV to you 😊

 2 years ago  

However, I think there can exist some contexts when is not that easy to run away from those situations

I agree with you on this one. Sometimes on social media when abuse victims share their stories, you'll find out that some of them did try to leave but couldn't for justifiable reasons. For some, it's rather too dangerous to leave.

that is usually why sometimes the victims can't see they are being abused and even with a warning from friends and family they stay with the abuser.

Yes indeed, I recently read a story where a lady who has been S/A by her father since she was a child thought it happens like that In every household because the father made her believe it is a normal occurrence.

Some victims don't realise they are been abused or manipulated, some just can't think of the possibility of starting over and others have a lot to lose. I feel bad for every victim of abuse, they all deserve better and I wish people would do better.

Thank you so much for your insightful input❤ It's good to see abuse from the point of view of the victim.

Thank you for your reply ^^ I really love to talk about different perspectives and points of view, especially when it's about understanding human behaviour and feelings ^^

The biggest one for me is when people fall in love, don't try to change the person. Accept them as they are.

Popped in via dreemport

 2 years ago  

I think that's one proof that you love them. Seeing them and knowing you can accept everything about them, even the bad sides. Because trying to change them can breed insecurities and that never ends well.

Thank you for stopping by

Exactly and it was my pleasure

Love is, indeed, strange in all the different kinds and forms of it @blezyn, I think the majority of people feel the way you do, but don't back it up. There are differences in the environment as well, in other lands and circumstances that makes it seem different, but in reality we all have our opinions and patience level, and it's like, don't cross that line or it's time to move on.
This post was obtained through Dreemport.

 2 years ago  

Thank you!

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  

Yes, I believe abuse should not be tolerated by either the man or woman in any relationship.

Thank you for your comment

 2 years ago  

Thank you!