1st of February || National Freedom Day

in Hive Learners2 years ago

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Hello everyone, how are you doing today?

This is the first day of the month and I want to officially welcome you to the month of February. It’s the shortest month in the year, the only one that is not up to thirty days. And it is also the month of love.

But the love aspect is still a bit far away because there is something else that is being celebrated today, the first day of the second month of the year. And it is National Freedom Day.

There is no need for too much explanation on this; the meaning is all in its name.

This day was established by Richard Robert Wright Senior in the year 1941; this day was then officially signed into law in the United States in the year 1948 by President Harry Truman. And since then, this day has been a source of joy and great happiness to millions of people because it did not just touch the United States, its effects rippled all across the world as well.

This day was established in the year 1941 and this is the year 2022, it is easy to see how different things are now than they had been back then. Freedom at that time was not for everyone, it was only for a select few. But we had people who were willing to risk their lives just to make sure that we had that freedom that we sought. And we will forever be grateful to them.

And now, in this day and age, people are so free they can do whatever they want or feel like, they can be whoever they choose to be regardless of what society thinks. There are millions of ways to make money, and even more, keep coming up every day, and people are getting even more freedom as the day goes by.

But then, I have to say this, as you enjoy the freedom, please do well to remember the times you were not so free and let that guide you so you do not end up placing yourself back in the same spot you had gotten your freedom from. Or even worse.

Just take things easy, try not to overdo yourself. You do not owe society anything, and you do not have to prove anything either. All you have to do is simply be who you are, do what you love and you will get the fulfillment that you seek. Because I promise you, there are those who will give anything for the kind of freedom you have, but they do not have it. So be grateful for the things you have and the ones you can’t have, learn to accept the things that don’t go your way. And on this day of National Freedom, try to do whatever you want. As long as it is right and within the confines of the law.

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Till we meet again, thank you very much for reading.

 2 years ago  

This post is informative.
Happy National freedom day USA.

Thank you very much for reading, I'm glad you liked my write-up.