28th of January || National Have Fun Day at Work

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

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Hello everyone, how are you doing on this glorious day?

At long last, the month of January is finally winding to a close. It’s been a long and tough one, with the usual stress and uncertainties that plague the first of every month. And as it stands, I’m sure I’m not the only one looking forward to the end of the month so we can finally get our paychecks. Honestly, it has not been easy.

But then, it is situations like this that make days like today all the more fun. On a day like this, we get to celebrate National Fun at Work Day!

Today is designed for employers and employees to simply kick back relax and have some good old fun. It is not exclusive to them though; you might be self-employed or even be like me that work from home. What matters is that you get to have fun at work.

As we all know, when even the most difficult tasks are made to be fun, they will be done faster and better. Because normally words like ‘work’ and ‘fun’ are never meant to be in the same sentence unless the work referred to the entertainment industry. And that is why to this day, business owners are still looking for ways to infuse more fun into their work without it affecting the work delivery. Because whether you like it or not, fun makes people happy and happy people are the best to work with.

There are different ways fun can be incorporated into the workplace.
By organizing games among the workers; a game they can all take part in so that everyone will partake in the fun.
Wearing costumes to work; just makes everyone look silly and cheerful. The workplace would be full of laughter that day, even your customers and clients would enjoy it. And a happy customer will always be willing to let go of a little extra cash.
You can organize barbeques, trips, vacations, or even award nights.

There are a plethora of ideas to pick from, just do well to take the one that the company budget can afford and the workers will be sure to enjoy.

It is things like this that build loyalty between employers and their employees. If the workers know that their boss has always got their backs, then they will always try their best to have his back. It is just like respect, it is reciprocal.

So, on this day, I urge you all to try and have some fun. There is no other way to say it.

Go out there and have fun with your coworkers, grab a drink or two, go on that trip or that event. Just do something that will strengthen the bond between you all. And you will see the results of this in the mind-boggling profits your company will rake in.

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Thank you for reading, see you in the next post.


Here is your Proof of Brian. I think you meant #ProofOfBrain

Thank you for this, I've edited it😊

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Thank you very much @divplanet. I'm only trying to educate and I'm glad I'm passing on a message.
I'm also glad you read my post.