29th of January || Freethinkers Day

in Hive Learners2 years ago

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Hello everyone, another weekend is here again. It’s another time for us to relax from the rigors and stress of the workweek. It has not been easy, we all know. But you did get to see another weekend come by, and for that, you should be grateful for it.

So, on this day I will talk to us about a day many of us take for granted and fail to appreciate. It is a day set aside for ideas and the endless creativity the mind can conjure. It is the day on which we celebrate Freethinkers Day.

This is a day that is special for many of us who love to think outside the box, and refuse to be limited by the ideals of society or our peers. It is a day in which we get to look inward and rediscover ourselves and how best we can enact changes not just to our lives, but to our environment as well. And in turn, the world in general.

Freethinkers Day is celebrated on the birthday of Thomas Paine, one of the world’s most renowned thinkers. It was his work promoting a philosophy of enlightenment that had heavily influenced the course of the French and American revolutions. His life and work have always been a source of inspiration to those who needed to find their independence.

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This day was officially set aside for observance in the 1990s The Truth Seeker Magazine, putting it on the 29th of January which was the same birthday of Thomas Paine back in the year 1737.

The purpose of this day was not farfetched; it did not require any rocket science. It only wanted to reeducate people on the values and benefits of freedom and liberty. In this day and age, technology and evolution have brought us so far from the old days it seems we have forgotten that there was a time everyone was not this free. But thanks to the blood and sweat of some brave few, we all have the freedom to enjoy these days.

We can walk about, do what we like without fear as long as it’s within the confines of the law. And most of all, we can think. We get to think freely and our thoughts are given the opportunity and leeway to soar and fly as high as the imagination can take it. There are no boundaries or limits, except the ones we place on ourselves.

So, on this beautiful day, take the opportunity to reflect on just how much you have utilized your freedom, how have you spent it and what do you plan to do with the rest of it? Your response might determine the course of the rest of your life. So do it wisely.

And as you do so, I have only one piece of advice for you; always think big. And never compromise, take your creativity and imagination as high as you can dare. Then exceed that. When it comes to creativity, the sky can never be your limit. Instead, it will be your starting point.

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Thank you for reading this, till I see you in the next post.