31st of January || Dawn of a new month

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Image by Olena Sergienko

Hello everyone, I am here again with some mind-changing nuggets for you.

Of course, we all know that today is the 31st of January, the last day of the month. And in a couple of hours, we would slide into the new month of February.

Awesome right? Heck yeah!

But I am not going to deceive myself into thinking that it is every one that is as happy as I am, for some, it’s just another day in a boring list of days. While for others, it is just another reminder that they had failed.

Are you also feeling this way? Do you also feel like you are already failing so early in the year? Or that you have started 2022 on the wrong foot? You have probably worked hard and toiled till your bones ached, yet you have so little to show for it, does this make you look at the rest of the year as already gone?

If you are harboring such thoughts and feelings, this message is for you.

If you go through history books, you will find that no great achievement was accomplished at a go. There was always a string of failures that led to the eventual success. Failure is never a bad thing because it teaches us about our weaknesses and makes us realize our mistakes so we do not get to make them again. When we fail at something we decided to try out, we are not meant to stay down. No, instead we are meant to charge forward and try again.

Because believe me, when you eventually succeed, you will find yourself laughing out loud about these days that you are at your lowest.

I said I was happy, it doesn’t mean that everything I had tried out this year had been a rousing success. I had my share of failed projects as well, I had people who disappointed me or make me regret ever believing in them in the first place.

But, I choose not to let these things decide the trajectory of my life. I cannot stop bad things from happening but I can control how they affect me. And I choose to use the bad things as an impetus to channel my energy into achieving that which I truly desire.

Everything is all about perspective; the world can only be how you view it. If you view it in a negative light, that is how it will work out for you. In the same way, if you view it in a positive light will it work out for you.

So, as we all go into the new month, I want us to let go of all those negative emotions January had brought upon us and look into the future with a smile and lots of hope. Because we will keep on trying, no matter how many times we fail, we will always rise up to the challenge and never stop until we win. And then we continue.

When you have a mindset like this, you will be like me; always happy for the privilege of a new day even if the previous ones had not gone according to plan. We all know that eventually if we keep pushing, we will get that which we are searching for.

prateek-katyal-FcdtuGf7TEc-unsplash (1).jpg
Image by Prateek Katyal

Thank you for reading, see you in the next post.