Hobbies Are For Enjoyment!

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Image by Glenn Carstens


Okay, let me quickly jump on the topic for today which is “My Hobbies”. A very beautiful one indeed.

I have already gone through some posts and I am amazed at the number of people that enjoy singing and playing football. That is just wow. When God was sharing hobbies, I was not in that queue at all.

As we all know, a hobby is just something that you do as leisure. It does not necessarily add anything to you in the grandest, but you enjoy doing it all the same. We all have what we enjoy doing, these things can be done for hours at a time and we would not be tired. And sometimes when we get tired we would continue doing them until we become too tired. That is just a typical example of me.

So, let us get to the good part. What are my hobbies?



Image by Etienne Girardet

For starters, I love writing. This is something that has been ingrained in me from a very young age, back in secondary school. I started with stories back then. I remember staying behind in class during recess to write when all my classmates went out to play football or just hang around. As it was recess, the class would be noisy, students would be running about and screaming at the top of their lungs, and some of them would approach me at one time or the other. The distractions were just so much back then.

But I never let that faze me. I enjoyed writing so much that I was able to write well even in the noise and distraction. And that has helped me out even today. Although I prefer writing in the comfort and quiet of my home, I can also do it just about everywhere. I have learned how to tune out unwanted sounds and focus instead on that particular idea I wanted to convert into words on my paper.

Image by Kenny Eliason

And thankfully, I have only gotten better at it. Now, each day I write nothing less than 3000 to 4000 words. Although they are spread out into different projects and are mostly all for professional reasons. But it is something I do so much that I do not even notice when I hit that mark. I enjoy this so much, even if I was not making money from it I would still be doing it anyway.



This is another thing I enjoy. Although I guess that as a writer, you also have to enjoy reading. If not, how will you know what a good book is like? It is just like an artist that does not love listening to music, you are just deceiving yourself.

I have never enjoyed reading academic books, except back then when we had English Language textbooks and that was always because of all the stories they had. If I am reading any academic book, I would just start losing interest and probably fall asleep. And the bad habit still affects me to this day. I know you would ask how do I cope in the higher institution? I will only say that it is the grace of God that keeps pushing me. I am one of those lazy students that do not start reading until a week before the exam. Yeah, that is me!

Although I am always up to date with assignments, attendance and tests, that makes up for me all the time.

Image by Masjid Pgung Dalangan

So, what kind of books do I enjoy reading? Novels, motivational books, articles, and self-help books. And I also love conducting research. Anything that has a message to pass to me, I am always eager to read it. My favorite authors so far are Stephen King, Sidney Sheldon, Robert Kiyosaki, and James Hadley Chase. There are more, but if I list them all, it would probably become a litany.

Reading is a favorite pastime of mine, I don’t mind reading and sleeping and reading all over again. But then, life is not that easy. If not…



I love this as well, very much indeed. Everyone that knows me knows I do not play with my movies, not in any way. Unlike with my writing, I hate people making noise when I am watching my movie. I like absolute silence so that I can totally concentrate. The only noise I love is the one from my speakers.

When I am watching movies, I am always generous with the sound so my neighbors can enjoy it as well. If the speakers are not booming and the building is not shaking as a result, I would probably not enjoy it. If I can’t get speakers, I would use my air pods to watch it at the loudest. I would probably go deaf one day, I know. But it would totally be worth it.

Image by CharlesDeluvio

I watch any movie at all that catches my fancy, I am not really focused on one kind. While I prefer action and thrillers, I also watch comedies and romance from time to time. I enjoy movies from different countries as well. Nollywood, Hollywood, Bollywood, Telemundo, K-Drama, Japanese movies, name them. I am even considering trying out some anime. ButI have found that they are usually too long for me to keep up.

At the moment, the series I am following is the ongoing Marvel series from DisneyPlus, MoonKnight. Although I just finished the Starz show Power Book IV: Force that rounded up last weekend, and it was lit. over the weekend, I was only chanced to see one movie and that was Ambulance, an action thriller by Michael Bay.

And the funny thing is that most of the time when I watch these things, I just do it for fun. I do not watch movies to gain knowledge or analyze or try and see the message they are trying to pass. Nah… I watch them simply for the thrill and the jumps they will give me. Although they usually inspire my works once in a while, but most of the time, I do not watch movies looking for inspiration. Maybe a time will come when I will grow up and start watching films based on what I want to learn, but that day is not today.



This one is just like the movies, I enjoy it only when it is loud. If I am your neighbor, you will always know when I am around. I love music so much because I listen to it no matter what I am doing. I can take it everywhere I go.

Image by Ilias Chebbi

I listen to it while I work, it makes everything seem easier to do. Although I do not use play music when I write; either I forget what I am writing or forget there is music playing.

My song choices are just as diverse as my movie choices, I listen to whatever catches my fancy. These days I do not really download anymore, I just stream them online. It saves me space and it will always be there for me to come back to them if needed.

So far, I do not think I have a favorite artist. Because one can release a song I like today and the next day he will release one I do not really enjoy. So I just take the songs as they come.



In another post also based on this topic, an author wrote that earning money was his hobby and I totally understood him. It is something I can do for an entire day and not get tired of. Especially when it is legitimate and clean, and also coming in droves. Count me in.

There are other things that capture my fancy as well, like taking trips to exotic places, traveling, and the likes. But I am mostly an introvert and so even if I have the option I might just choose to stay at home and curl up with a book or watch a movie. These are things I can never get tired of.

Image by Elizeu Dias

As I grow, I will keep on enjoying these things, I might add some more to them, but I will never stop doing these things because in one way or the other they have helped shape me into who I am today. I love my hobbies and my hobbies love me.

Thank you for reading, till we meet in the next post.

 2 years ago  

Very good..
nothing is wrong and all is positive, my advice sir, it would be great if you like one of the activities that can burn calories. Hehe..

Yeah... I have thought about it. But when it comes to those things, I just find myself to be lazy.
I already do some fitness exercises... But I don't think they count as a hobby.
Thank you for reading.

 2 years ago  

Chief Nerd

Reading and writing, the great Einstein..I love your passion tho, it affects your hobby choice which is really great

I am no Einstein o...
Definitely not a nerd either😅
Thank you for reading.

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 2 years ago  

It seems reading should be a part of my hobby, as you said as a writer how I have a lot of insight and vocabulary if I don't like reading, this really makes me often find it difficult to assemble words. nice post and you have such a good hobby

When you read on a regular basis, you find yourself getting better and better. Especially when you read and understand.
Thank you for reading.

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 2 years ago  

Well, sometimes i love to watching movies and listening to music, i think everyone agree with that. Listening music sometimes can fixing our mood and relax for a while.
Good hobbie Chief. 👍

I love movies... There are even some that I am yet to watch, although that is mostly became of time. But I will definitely get to them soon.
Thank you for reading.

 2 years ago (edited) 

Youre welcome Chief.
Those really nice hobbies. 👍

 2 years ago  

I knew you will definitely choose writing as one of your hobbies knowing fully well that writing has become part of you.

Great work dear

It is now a part and parcel of me. Something I do on a daily basis, and I am grateful for that.
Thank you for reading.

 2 years ago  

That's nice
You're welcome

 2 years ago  

It's very visible that you love writing and reading.
whoever visits your blog can attest that you are a good writer and of course that is achievable from your large span of reading.

Great post boss @bruno-kema .

That is good to know... I try to put in my best into whatever it is I do.
Thank you for reading.

Reading books is really a best hobby because we can gain experience of whole life of intelligent writers by reading their books.
Music release the tension and make mood pleasant. I often listen music when my mood is off.
This is really a perfect post on My hobbies subject.

Reading takes you into the mind of someone and they teach you something that took them quite some time to learn.
It is a habit that everyone needs to cultivate.
Thank you for reading.

 2 years ago  

Yeah, Nice post Sir,🙏🙏
Writing and reading are part of my bet hobbies, just hope I continue with them.
Thanks boss for wonderful content

As long as goo enjoy doing them, then there is no risk of you stopping to do it.
Thank you for reading.

 2 years ago  

As an introvert, you can still travel and visit bee places you know. Even though you don’t do it frequently, whenever you get the opportunity just grab it because there are lots of wonders in the world to see. After traveling,you can always come back to seeing movies and reading a book. I think you are a very interesting person by the way.🤗

It is just laziness. For me to get up and go out, when I think of all the hassle and traffic that will meet me, watching movies will seem like a more lucrative use of my time.
To go out these days, I usually need serious motivation😂

 2 years ago  

Truly extraordinary. You have many hobbies that you do. Hobbies that you do are also very beneficial for mental health. I feel when I read books and watch movies. when I do that, my mind is very calm and the activities I do tomorrow will be better.😆

Yeah... That is one thing they do. Because your brain relaxes in that moment and not much is being done so your body can rest as well.
Thank you for reading.

 2 years ago  

You're welcome my brother

 2 years ago  

I can also do it just about everywhere. I have learned how to tune out unwanted sounds and focus instead on that particular idea I wanted to convert into words on my paper.

This is a good and distinctive attribute.
Not everybody can write effectively with distractions..
I hope to be like you one day.

I just try my best, sometimes letting it all out is the only way to get closure.
I am humbled you find me worthy of emulation.
Thank you for reading.

 2 years ago (edited) 

Yes I did.. And
Am learning from you everyday.
Keep Inspiring dear @bruno-kema

 2 years ago  

I also love to watch movies and I love to watch English language movie because of my English practice

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

That is good.
Thank you for reading.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

I wonder what we were doing that day. But thankfully we have other hobbies that are just so cool.
I am sure yours will be just awesome.
Thank you for reading.

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed it.