Time is Money and Other Things

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Image by Nathan Dumlao

Hello everyone, how are you all doing today? We are now in the middle of the week, this means that it is no longer a new week because whether we have done what we planned to do or not, it will still go as scheduled.

Time is a factor in our lives that many of us wish we had some sort of control over because we know that if we could control our time the world would be such an easier place to live in. Many of us lack this time, seeing as we spend so much of it making money to put food on the table. We work hard and make savings for the day when we would not have to work so hard and therefore have so much time on our hands we would not know what to do with them.

There will always be sixty minutes in an hour, just as there will always be twenty-four hours in a day. Nothing will be added just as nothing will be subtracted. Day in and day out, it will be the same. What makes each day different is the things you set your mind to achieve and the steps you take towards that end.

We are in the second month of the year 2022, and the month is steadily cruising to its middle. Whether you have begun achieving your plans of the year or not, time does not care. It will still go on, and at the end of the year, it would move on to 2023.

The only person that should care is you because you are the only one that will reap the rewards or consequences of your decisions.

What is that choice you keep making that stops you from getting to that goal? What is that thing you keep doing that is holding you back? What about the ones that you are not doing?

Whatever they are, they are keeping you from achieving your dreams and probably making you feel bad about yourself. But that should stop today.

You need to remind yourself that time waits for no man and if you keep on delaying to get to work, you will never get the work done. Because whether you like it or not, time will pass and a time will come you would not be able to do that work anymore. No matter how eager you may seem.

So, in this glorious month of February, as we go about tackling the rest of the month I need you to go after it like you mean it. Go after it with passion and tenacity, and do not stop for anyone. Because just as you are the one who will reap the reward for success, you will also be the one to bear the consequences of not trying at all.

Image by Thomas Bormans

Thank you for reading, see you in the next post.

 2 years ago  

I just want to say one thing, your writings are always interesting to read👌👏

Thank you very much for this @fery, I am glad you find them interesting.
I will be sure to keep on putting more here.

Funny how money can be made forever but time doesn’t have that feature. Life and it’s peculiarities..