Time Management...

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Image by Kevin Ku

Hello everyone, how are you all doing on this beautiful day? We are now in the middle of the week and it is going great so far. Whether we have achieved any of our goals or not, it is still something to be grateful for.

Today I would love to talk about time management.

We all know about the concept of time. It is that one commodity that everyone has an abundance of and at the same time has a scarcity of. It is so valuable that a price can’t be put on it. No one can buy time and no one can manipulate it. And it is limited for everyone.

No matter how much time a person has, eventually, it will run its course and the person will run out of it. It is unavoidable.

As humans, because of this limited time and so many things we have to do we tend to prioritize some things and sideline others. We work on projects we believe are urgent and relegate the others to be done at a much later time.

Some people are always working as if they are on the edge of time. They are rushing to do everything. Having crazy deadlines that are almost impossible to meet up. they do not take time out to think and conduct research, they just plunge head-on into projects. And this usually leads to failures and disappointments because the rush did not allow for a careful analysis of the situation.

Also, there are those that feel like they have all the time in the world. They believe that the world is waiting for them and therefore they can be as slow as they like. It is beliefs like these that promote laziness and procrastination. The two enemies and killers of success.

The happiest people are the ones that are able to find a balance between the two. They know that time is limited and find a way to make maximum use of it. They strategize a productive way to achieve the most in the littlest amount of time.

As we all know, we can only truly have time for the things we believe we need to have time for. That is just nature. Anything that we feel is not worth our time, we will keep finding excuses not to deal with them. And this also includes people.

So, in order to make the best of the time we have, we need to be intentional about it. And we can go about this by first of all making a list of the things we find to be important to us. This could be work, family, and friends, and we would allocate more time to these things. Also, we must make sure to make out time for ourselves, where we will just take good care of our physical and mental health.

When you conduct research, you will find a lot of templates that can help you manage your time judiciously. And if you make use of it and do it religiously, you will realize that you are beginning to get more things done than you used to do previously. So it was not lack time that was really the problem, but just mismanagement.

So, my dear friends, as you go about your daily routines of life, try not to overwork yourself by trying to do too much in little time. And also try not to encourage laziness or procrastination by giving yourself way too much time to do something. You need to know how to balance it and make it work for you. Find a pattern and stick to it, you will be glad you did.

Image by Brad Neathery
Thank you for reading, till we meet in the next post.


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Lol. I just wrote a post that you can buy time and I come here reading that no one can buy time 😅😂. You have your points and I have mine also that time can be bought.

Awesome read bro!

Thank you for reading, one will surely be more correct.
I am glad you enjoyed it.

 2 years ago  

It is my wish to the Creator that every day of your life may be good and memorable