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RE: Magical Connection

in Hive Learners2 years ago

My mind has already written this narration but actualizing it was pretty difficult...and it connected to you and you did an absolute justice to this narration. I have had similar experiences about this superstitious beliefs you know what there was a time when if an individual has boil in her/his armpit which is still in just a growing stage....if that victim press and hold the boil for few minutes and then inserts that hand into his nose for three times that boil would disappear in few days... weird right??.... surprisingly it worked for me.... so sometimes science can't get enough of humanity .

 2 years ago  

Science is only discovering what has been there for centuries in the nature. The more science reveals, the more we realize that our knowledge is soooo limited, don't we?

I don't wonder that the boil thing worked for you. There might be some good scientific reason behind, but yet not known. Who knows

Thanks for stopping by, Cesca.

A lot of !LUV