H.L.C ; My Creative Sunday.

in Hive Learners7 months ago (edited)

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Hello Hivers, Today I will be sharing with you all my dearest readers how creative my Sunday is in the kitchen.


The initial intention was to make bread scrambled eggs and tea for breakfast instead of quick oats and fridge plantains. Seemingly I woke up looking forward to a different taste of tea and bread, it appeared to me that the nostalgic feelings came back making me improvise.

Nostalgic memories can be triggered by taste and smell; they are especially self-relevant, arousing, and familiar. These memories have an even more positive and negative emotional profile and that's how I felt today.
Food nostalgia is a powerful emotion that transports someone back to the past, connecting you with people, places, and moments you cherish thereby creating memories.



This took me back to the time when I was staying with my aunt and her husband in Sapele, every morning her regular breakfast was bread and tea!
It got to an extent, I got so tired of it that what I always do when I am served this particular breakfast is to pour the tea inside the ice cube tray and leave it in the refrigerator to freeze. When it's like ice cubes, I scoop them out and throw them in my mouth!

Ridiculous right?

Funny enough it was the only way to skip drinking it and since I left my aunt's house I forgot to take it. Fast forward to this very Morning on Sunday that taste came crawling into my mouth and it disgusted me. For this reason I had to look for an alternative to avoid having this meal.


Kitchen Cabinet
Searching for what to eat


I began my ultimate search through the kitchen cabinets for a better choice and I found it! I haven't had this for a while and suddenly when I saw the packet I hungered for it. I bought eggs and other things I needed to make it, everyone has the method they prefer in making these fluffy pancakes.

These are the ingredients that I used in making this pastry and the recipes will follow...

  • Vinegar
  • Two Eggs
  • Pancake mix
  • Fresh milk
  • Vanilla Extract
  • Virgin Olive Oil
  • Dark Soy Sauce
  • 1 or ½ cup of water depending on the quantity of mix.


Well, I don't want complicated pancakes so the addition of soy sauce and vinegar was just a droplet. No one adds vinegar and soy sauce to pancakes lol. I would rather not use too much of that but I have this habit of exploring food, so I tried adding a droplet of the said ingredients.

Soy Sauce


The major ones I use often are the exception of the two liquids (Soy Sauce and vinegar) on the list.
I brought out my bowl and spoon for the mixture of all the ingredients to make a paste. I started by pouring the pancake mix flour inside the bowl, adding half a cup of water, and stirring it to a smooth thick paste.

I proceeded by breaking the two eggs inside the paste alongside the milk and drops of vinegar and soy sauce then kept stirring it until there was a smoother texture and uniformity of the paste.
I cleaned up the frying pan and placed it on the seater of the cooker then turned on the gas cooker while setting it in the lowest mode to prevent the pancakes from getting burnt.

Pancake Paste
Olive Oil



I applied the olive oil to the frying pan and allowed it to be heated. I poured the pancake paste little by little into the frying pan until it was round like the actual size of pancakes, I waited for a few minutes then flipped the opposite side of the pancake to get done.
The normal color of a ready-to-eat pancake is golden brown once it gets to that stage, be ready to bring it down to avoid having a burnt one. I continued with the pattern till all the paste was exhausted.

Half Consumed


The video above is the process and the outcome of this particular pastry and if you watch closely I had a change of mind from the soft drinks to using tea, I hope you like what you see.


This is my participation for the #creative-sunday in the #hive-learners community.





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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 186 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

 7 months ago  

Eating just one food repeatedly can be very annoying but the good side of it is that it can push us to become creative with meals.

I love pancakes and you did justice to this, I was salivating while reading through. I bet they taste as good as they look.

Happy Sunday Ceska.

 6 months ago  

Yeah true!

It can be super annoying and sometimes it looks disgusting. My exploring habit is tiring George lol! I just keep doing what no one has done lol.

Thanks for loving this hehe

 7 months ago  

wow, this looks yummy and different, i think i can easily find these ingredients easily at my home, or may one or two will be missing, but i can get these here in Pakistan easily. I am cake lover and i can try it some day at home with my wife.

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 6 months ago  


A cake lover?

I didn't know that you are one of those lovers...the reason I stop craving that particular pastry is because it makes me have big belly.

You can try out yours and see how your pancakes would be like and don't forget to share too.

Thanks so much for your assistance and upvotes...much love😍

 7 months ago  

Interesting! I can't believe these ingredients are what can be used to make pancakes, I'm already so use to preparing the very low budget pancakes and I love them so much but I'm very sure if I taste the one made with these ingredients it would taste better.

Thank you so much for sharing 🥰

 6 months ago  

Yeah....I use to prepare the low budget pancakes...the one with ordinary flour, butter, sugar, milk and egg too and it taste good!
It's my pleasure😍

 6 months ago  

Yeah, it tastes good because that's what I eat and it was the reason why I loved pancakes, hehe.