Music speaks to the soul || Week 03 Edition 02

in Hive Learners2 years ago

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Music is to the soul what words are to the mind.” ― Modest Mouse

Music, music music....

This is one of the most beautiful things ever known to man. When words fail, music has been able to communicate louder than you can ever imagine. Music speaks directly to the soul, if you listen, it you let it flow through you.

I've always been a lover of music and for me I'll say they're a lot of amazing music as they're a lot of amazing musicians. Anytime I hear a good song, I'm always craving to know who sang the song and I'll not rest until I know the person's name.

They're days when I feel worthless, down, alone and hopeless but then music has be my only companion. It's been there with me through my up times and also through my down times, those words see through my soul and bring about a certain calmness, I love it and it is soothing.

When I saw this week's Edition question, I was quite intrigued but then I was I thought to myself. They're a lot of songs, songs I love and songs I appreciate, it'll be hard to really pick specific ones. I listen to all kinds of music, all from different genres and different countries. As long as it speaks to me one way or the other or I enjoy it wholeheartedly for no reason whatsoever.

For me, the first song I'll be choosing is:

"Free Mind" by Tems

I don't know why but this song is really strong. I've had days when I've been stressed out and hopelessly tired. But when I get a headset and play this song, it just finds a way to calm me down. The words have power, the taste of freedom is something that cannot ever be overemphasized,it's beautiful, we all yean for it.

To set me free
Freer than the open mind
Farther than the eyes can handle
Freer than the ocean now yeah, yeah
So set me free
Now I need to find release
Set me to the open sky
Now I need to free my mind yeah, yeah

I don't know why, but I'll never get tired of hearing this song, never ever.

Another song that I've not gotten enough of is:

"Love don't cause a Dime", The Re-up version by Magixx and Ayrastarr

Omg, talk about good music, this is arguably one of them. I can boldly say that is one of the most played songs on my playlist. The words are super exciting and Ayrastarr did justice to it with her path. The song is loveable, speaks about how free love can be, you don't have to pay to be loved. I think you should go listen to it yourself but I'll share some of the lyrics here.

Best in deed, you're the best indeed
When I see you, I feel blessed, indeed
Only you bring out the best in me
Lovin' you, e be my destiny, oh-no
Odo, I don't know if you love me like I do
Na you dey light my fire too
No, no, if you double date, I no mind

These words literally got me falling in love over and over again, everytime and anytime.

Lastly, never underestimate the strength of good music. Music can give people strength, that's why most times when people go for war, they sing songs, they cry and sing with their hearts, it drives them. That's why I love this song, it actually can change a lot of lives. This song:

"Scars to your beautiful" by Alessia Cara

Actually reflects a lot In one song, a lot more than you can actually imagine. A lot of us even without knowing it have scars, things that we feel make us ugly or unworthy to be among others, things that make us stand out and each time we feel worthless, we lose our self esteem. When I listen to this song, it gives me strength, the strength to love me for who I am no matter what.

But there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark
You should know you're beautiful just the way you are
And you don't have to change a thing
The world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful
We're stars and we're beautiful

We're stars and we're beautiful, these words have given me strengths than I can ever think of. This song would be one of my favorites, time and time again.

All of the links were obtained from youtube.

if you enjoyed reading this, I invite you to upvote and drop a comment I'll be glad to reply❤️


Music speak lauder to souls that we can imagine,I prefer to be alone playing my music than be with someone most times

 2 years ago  

Yes, you get it, there's something that comes with sitting all by yourself and enjoying the tune of that amazing songs. Its the best time to relax or reflect over life's issues. Omo I cherish moments like that a lot! ❤️✅✅

Good songs, I love That song "Scars to your beautiful" it is one of my favorite.

 2 years ago  

One of your favorites and one of mine, I'm glad we could have something in common. The song actually passes a message and I love it ,😋❤️❤️

 2 years ago  

Awesome. Scars to your beautiful 😍
I still remember one event i heard this song and something funny happened.

It's cool you dropped a link to them too. Nice picks.

 2 years ago  

Ohhh, I'll like to hear what happened, I'm so curious now ,😂😂😂..
Pls tell me o...

Thank you sir ❤️❤️✅✅

 2 years ago  

Alessia Cara always bringing her best to the music industry. I so much love this last song.

 2 years ago  

Yeah...true that, she's an amazing singer..she brings in everything she's got and it's really nice everytime..I'm glad you love it too ❤️❤️✅

 2 years ago  

Tems is one of the many persons I am beginning to love their song respective to their style of singing. @chincoculbert She is doing very well in her area.. I am not sure I know the others..🤣

 2 years ago  

Lol youre missing bro, her music is superb. She's vocally amazing and her lyrics are on point. When you need to relax, try her out you'll get your money's worth..

As for the others, ómo they're really nice songs..check out that love don't cost a's super!!


 2 years ago  

Well, I'll be sure to check out what I have been missing then..😁

WARNING - The message you received from @thomaslknapp is a CONFIRMED SCAM!

DO NOT FOLLOW any instruction and DO NOT CLICK on any link in the comment!

 2 years ago  

Yeahh thanks...✅

You're welcome @chincoculbert. Stay cautious!

Yeah... Indeed music does speak to the soul.
I know these songs you have listed and I really enjoy listening to them. They are a different kind of music altogether.
Thank you for sharing this with us.