My best purchase and wrong purchase

in Hive Learners4 months ago

Good day, amazing people of the hive block chain. Welcome back to my blog. Is there another edition in the #hivelearners community?

Over the years, I have purchased a lot of things, and most of those things have really served me well. Without the things I bought, i will have achieved most of my dreams.

Early last year, I planned on getting a sewing machine for myself, but each time I save up money to buy the machine, one challenge will come up and take the money from me. Getting this machine late last year has been an enjoyable moment in my life.

The one thing I bought that I am really enjoying


My sewing machine is one thing I bought and is still giving me enjoyment. As a fashion designer, I need a sewing machine. Getting this sewing machine has really saved me the stress of using needles. The sewing machine has brought more customers to my door. Because of how I need this sewing machine, I have to work hard to save up and buy it.

The amazing thing about this sewing machine is that since I bought it, I have not visited any mechanics. Since I bought it, my friend, who bought it in November, has always visited a mechanic every week. My sewing machine has not given me any issues since I bought it, and the machine is really serving me well.

I have never regretted buying this sewing machine; it is really giving me what I want and is serving me very well.

I was so lucky to buy this sewing machine that is serving me well. I have been unlucky with something I bought, i am always sad each time I bring out those things.


My biggest mistake was buying this standing fan. I saw a rechargeable fan online and ordered it from an online vendor. I love it and ordered the fan. When the fan got to my door post, I was surprised because this is not what I ordered from the vendor. I was so weak seeing the fan. I called the vendor, and she didn't pick up my call.

Since I purchased this fan over three years ago, I have not used it for a single day because each time I bring it out, I feel bad and I don't have a need for it. It is a waste of money. This fan has been in my wardrobe for years now. Seeing this post, I remember that I have one thing I waste my money on:

Seriously, getting this standing fan was a total waste of money because this is not what I ordered; I ordered order for rechargable fan, and giving me this is a total waste of money.

My lesson

Since this experience, I stop buying things from online vendors because it is a total waste of money.

This is my entry in the ongoing content #hl-w97e1 hive Learners community.

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I really appreciate your comments, support, and upvotes.


So the fan doesn’t work at all?
This is why I don’t buy from online vendors.
They’ll be so nice when you are buying and suddenly they’ll stop picking your calls after delivery the wrong thing.

 4 months ago  

My dear i will buy from online vendor

 4 months ago  

That's what i have mentioned in my post, buying online has a great chance for you get indulge in a fraud. that's what happened with you in the case of this fan. I hope you have learned a lesson and now you will more careful while buying online.

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 4 months ago  

Yes dear very careful

 4 months ago  

Wait o, did the vendor send you a non rechargeable fan? If yes then that was a fraud, I've desisted from buying things online because I can't waste my hard earned money

And for the sewing machine, I'm happy because you were lucky to buy a machine that's working perfectly.

 4 months ago  

Yes she send non rechargeable fan i was very shock seeing it

 4 months ago  

Chaiiii that's bad, the vendor is a scammer

 4 months ago  

Yes dear but i have learnt my lessons

 4 months ago  

My sister is a sews too. I have heard her several times talking about some of her collegues who got sewing machines that develop fault every time. She bought hers faily used.

That was a wicked act, why would you sell an electric fan as rechargable fan. Ahhhhrrgh! I understand why you choose not to use it at all. Maybe resell it or give it out.

 4 months ago  

I think is what i will do

 4 months ago  

Some Online vendors would make you hate shopping online
Though some are deliver the best,but not all

 4 months ago  

Yes dear