My Daughter's 1st Painting

in Hive Learners4 months ago

A child's first drawing is an emotional and memorable moment. This first step is the beginning of their creative journey. Through this drawing, the child expresses his past feelings, experiences, and reflection of the space. It shares their way of seeing the world and their own unique way of encoding thoughts.

This painting is a reflection of their mind and an expression of thoughts stored in nurseries that are mostly invisible to the reader. One's experience, desire, fear, and happiness are expressed through this picture. The colors, lines, and patterns in a child's first drawing contain basic feelings of their past and being

is given It creates bonds between our past and future.

A child's first drawing is the first evidence of their experience and creativity. It contributes strange feelings and ideas to reporters and sharers of experiences. This picture shows us how the child sees the world and their past and future ties. It is the first step in their creative journey, and it lays the foundation for their future creative experiences.


Nice painting @creativeprism

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