My daughter's fringer Painting - Sun Sea Sand

in Hive Learners4 months ago

Looking down at the sea from above, we see a vast body of water, a vast picture frame between its blue and green expanses stretching out in infinite directions. Between the dances and reflections of the brilliant light created by the freezing water, the sun's rays scatter on the surface of the water, creating an incredible natural scene. In the distance, the water flows and moves among the waves, and it touches our hearts like the music of life.

At the same place in the sea, there is a turtle. Its strong, genial body sways in the breeze on the face of the water, its eyes watching as it flashes into a distant corner. It is a moment of revelation in the natural world, showing us its life and being.

The view of the sea brings calm and depth at the same time. Looking at the sea from the sky above, we understand its symmetry and size. Those views show us the enduring beauty of nature's approach and patronage of all living things. This timeless relationship between the sea and the sky expands our view to the harmony of the whole world as one source of life.

In that view, we feel refreshed associating our senses with the sublime beauty of recovery and the secrets of life hidden within it. This beautiful sight makes us think again and around us

It allows us to accept the world in a new dimension. It also serves as a cue to develop a sense of harmony and respect for each other between man and creature.