My Favorite Food

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

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Everyone in this wonderful community has a favorite food and we never get tired of eating that favorite food. As a foodie, I love to help my mom in cooking even though I have female siblings. I have a favorite food and my favorite food is Egusi soup. I love the look and taste a lot.

Today I will be discussing with you all about my favourite meal. I am taking you all to the bottom of it trust me, eating good food helps to keep our body healthy and fit.
I am a foodie no doubt, anyone who comes around me get to noticed that first about me. And because of my love for food (Not just any food but good food) I had to learn on how to cook from my mom and no woman can punish me with starvation (chuckle).

My favourite meal is egusi soup and pounded yam and guess what? It is also my cultural food. I am a proud Igbo Guy and that type of a man that loves heavy food cause I believe that once you been loaded with heavy meal, you can work so hard and won't feel hungry easily. I don't really fancy lights food because they don't hold me for too long.

Now back to my favourite meal, I love it more when my egusi soup is filled with assorted meat because it gives more taste, beautiful look that is attractive and captivating, trust me you will love it. I guess that's what I will be preparing today haha.

 2 years ago  

My people, the Egusi soup is calling my name. I love Egusi soup very well, infact this is just amazing

The Egusi soup is wearing earpiece oo, it not hearing anything. Anyway the last Egusi you prepared for me has finished oo, I say lemme inform u 😜😜

 2 years ago  

Your favorite food is sure to tantalize everyone's taste buds😁

I could prepare it for you when you visit 😁

 2 years ago  

Ouh thank you very much😁

You are welcome 😊

 2 years ago  

Nice one, that chicken inside the soup looks really tasty oo, I hope to get some when I visit 🤪.

Sure, all we have to do is fix a day for the visit 😃

 2 years ago  

Yes oo, very important 😎

Lol, is alright. I know you can prepare this

 2 years ago  

Yes, of course.

That will be when I visit lol

 2 years ago  

Yeah, sure.

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