My Traditional Beliefs

in Hive Learners2 years ago

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Good day to all my Hive Blog friends, it's a lovely day isn't it? And I trust our day is going smoothly as possible? Cause mine is moving quite good.
Today, I will be discussing with you my friends on the cultural beliefs that have been passed down through generations and as if this era, it is quite difficult to adapt to it because it is causing more harm than good
And we'll be looking at the cultural beliefs concerning infidelity in marriage.

Infidelity is truly an abomination both in the sight of God and man, it is really disrespectful for one to cheat on their spouse no matter the circumstances one is facing in life, infidelity shouldn't be your final decision. Now from generations, the custom has been handling infidelity with its consequence but it has been one-sided all through ages, which is not proper. The consequences for infidelity should be effective on both angles that is to say the male and the female, but this consequences for infidelity has only been effective on the female gender.

It is of my custom and tradition that any woman who cheats on her husband runs mad or dies instantly. But of a fact tradition has never been fair to women, it has always been against them. Most men are serious streets some even boast about it nonchalantly with full confidence or because they are men and there's no consequences for their deed and disrespect to their wives in the home.

Some of these women find themselves cheating not because they enjoyed doing it but it was out of depression and frustration define themselves cheating with the intention of helping your family and supporting their husband. Some were forced into it by some men (mostly married) before all find them a helping hands. And and after all these she dies leaving beyond behind the children she was suffering for or been seen roaming around the streets naked out of the atrocity committed by two people.

And when such happens, the man is entitled to remarry. Bringing in a woman the children are not familiar with and sometimes most children doesn't adapt to having a Step-mother. Some children ends up being maltreated and abused all because of a lost motherhood.

I suggest that this consequence should be abolished or even amended to a better way, if not for anything but for the sake of the children who suffers it the most. And they should also be a consequence for a cheating husband too not just one-sided, so they will be more respect, less broken homes and less infidelity in marriages.

 2 years ago  

It's very rediculous how tradition as mostly been bias towards women in most culture.
But then I hope most of this tradition is been reverted.

 2 years ago  

I agree with you, cheating is impolite and disgusting.
Good post my friends...👍

Thanks for the comment friend, I am glad you liked it