in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hello HIVE LEARNERS, how are you today ?, i hope everything is going well in this day, and keep exciting to following Edition-03 Contest.



Today I'm back posting a contest on the Hive Learner comunity, and this week we've gone through 2 Editions and all went well. This time it's my turn to post about the 3rd Edition entitled Pressident of a Day. I don't know how they came up with the idea for this title, anyway it's the most interesting thing for me to talk about, and it's not about Politics or anything like that but about what we would want to do if we were given the chance to be President for a day.
If you're curious about what I'd like to do when I become president in a day, let's read my story...


There are many things I will do if I become President in a day's time, but just for one day, if I do it for at least one year, I'm afraid I will destroy a country.
The things I'm going to do are actually very simple and seem like unimportant things for now, but this is just wishful thinking and I don't think there's anything wrong with saying something positive even if it looks stupid. LOL


The serious thing before we can do the things we want is to eliminate this cursed thing called CORRUPTION. Many countries were destroyed by rampant corruption in their countries, including mine. The government is trying hard to eliminate this, but this is always present in all aspects, not only in government, in everyday life some people are even used to this. Indeed, corruption is indeed a profitable thing, but only for those who do it and leave losses to other parties. Corruption is the same thing as stealing, but it is done with more care and a wide network that aims to get a bigger profit. I think all countries condemn this, and this is also not new for every country. This has been done for a long time, but until now there are still people who do it.
If I ever become president even for one day, then I will finish this first even if it will take my entire term as president even if only one day.


The second thing I will do if I become president is try to eliminate speed bumps that are made everywhere. There are several rules for using Speed ​​Bump, one of which is in places where a lot of children go, such as schools or something. What I hate is the placement of Speed ​​Bump in quiet places and places that are rarely traveled. Places like that shouldn't be put in a Speed ​​Bump just because they don't want to hear the sound of vehicles being too loud.
If I become president, I will make a law to eliminate Speed ​​Bump in my country. I want all roads in my country to be like racing circuits, smooth and wide.
I've been wanting this for a long time, and I think I'll make it happen when I become president. However, transportation infrastructure is something that must be considered and this requires a long time in the process of rejuvenation.


I think this is the main goal that I crave the most. And people will do this too I guess, sounds trivial but we are impossible to do it. However, we can't do it arbitrarily, we still have to pay attention to other things to make ourselves rich. By becoming president, I have full power over my country, I can build my own business from the income I earn during my time as president, I can easily make a business license, and develop it until it is successful. My company will also be known because of me as president and because of that I can do cooperation between my company and the country easily because I have power over it.
I was also going to do a Hive-promo when I was president and it was the biggest promo for the Hive platform. LOL

I guess that's more or less some of the things I'd like to do if I had the chance to be president for even one day, and a contest with a theme like this kind of cheers me up a bit. Even though it sounds impossible, but at least we can dream about it and hopefully what we dream of becomes the motivation for positive things that we do in the future.

Keep up the enthusiasm for the contest, and see you in another post.


Special thanks :


I also want to invite my friend to following this contest :







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 2 years ago  

If I become president, I will make a law to eliminate Speed ​​Bump in my country. I want all roads in my country to be like racing circuits, smooth and wide.

I've been rolling on the ground filled with laughter.

Did you consider the risk of accident if there are no speed bumps?

 2 years ago  

The mound is only for roads that are often passed by small children, to slow down our vehicles. Not to be made in any place even in a quiet place, because it is very annoying. Every time I run over it, my stomach always shakes, if I don't see the mound and run over it at high speed, I will bounce and it will hurt me. 😂😂😂😂

 2 years ago  

Mr President sorry to ask are you a gamer..?
I ask that question because people that play games that has to do with races don't like been interrupted by anything lols😅😅
But even with that we still have alot of accidents in those games, now consider those facts in real life😅😅
Mr. President Sir... This is really rediculous sir
I mean really really rediculous 😅😅

 2 years ago  

Hahaha... your right. 😂😂😂
I just hate Speed ​​Bump, I don't know why either, I run over it a lot without knowing it, and I'm taken aback by it. And that pissed me off a lot. 🤣🤣🤣

 2 years ago  

Lolss.. but to some point your points can be justified because we have some places that bonds are mounted unreasonably, I have such places in my area
Bombs are actually good in the right places but all the roads shouldn't be filled with bombs because they're good...

 2 years ago  

Youre right, 👍😂

 2 years ago  

Yes sir..,💜🙏💙

 2 years ago  

Really great post 📯
Keep it up bro ❣️

 2 years ago  

Thank you Chief. 👍

 2 years ago  

Hehehehe everyone wants to be rich, I love that.

Fighting corruption is also very good and necessary. All those our corrupt leaders will have to face the consequences

 2 years ago  

Corruption is the only thing we need to fight first.

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 2 years ago  

good post, I'm interested in speed bumps, I think speed bump placement should be placed where it's needed.

 2 years ago  

Yeah, thats what i mean. Speed bump shouldn't be the problem in the road.

You will make yourself rich. After all, it will reflect poorly on your country if their country is poor.
You surely have great plans for your country, if only there was a way to implement them.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

Thanks a lot Chief, I'm very flattered

 2 years ago  

Lmaaoooooo..he said I hate speed bump...I do mostly times, I see them as completely unnecessary.. but we must stop corruption collectively

Nice one Mr.President

 2 years ago  

Thank you Chief, thanks for the comment

 2 years ago  

Ah, if no speed bums, some driver would just driver seriously this your own is different

 2 years ago  

That's right i think. 😂

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  

I also don't understand and am annoyed with corruption, but we can only do what we can, even though we can't do anything, at least we don't participate in it. 😔

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  

Maybe you have a point 👍
But if I were president, I would do it. That's why if I was president for one month I would definitely mess up a country. 🤣🤣🤣🤣