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RE: A Day In My School Life ||

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Tf. Draw 12 specimens from what you see? Bruh what is this?

It sounds like your day was one bad thing after the other lol. Sorry. I can understand how things can get as a student. I wonder why most of your courses are online though. The only thing I can think of is Covid, but covid online classes wave has passed so that’s leaving me wondering.

Course reps can be a pain sometimes. At least your course rep admitted it was his fault. My course rep used to make these kind of mistakes but in our case, he’d never admit it was his fault. That he forgot to tell the class. He’d leave the lecturer blaming the entire class and calling us lazy because he wouldn’t take the blame for his forgetfulness.

 2 years ago  

Yes 12 whole specimen. I think the availability of lecture halls is another issue apart from covid.
Course reps can be a pain in the ass actually. I'm just glad he apologized actually.