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RE: my self introduction in hive || and photography dragonfly

in Hive Learners10 months ago

Hello and welcome. We all love a good mystery. We hope you find your passion here. And do not feel overwhelmed by the vastness of this place. But if you do, Dreemport offers a solution.

Dreemport is a pay-it-forward curation platform that helps writers to get guaranteed eyes on their blog each day that they share their work. It's more than just a curation platform though, it's a community of supportive individuals across the web3 and web2 spectrum who are keen to share their own writing and support that of others.

If you get the opportunity to register, then check out the videos in the Getting Started Menu. Just note that where @dreemsteem mentions Daily Tasks Menu, this has been reworded to Earn Dreem on the website. Please remember always to read community guidelines for any community that you choose to join and write in on Hive to ensure that you are writing within their parameters.