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RE: Against The Force: A Personal Encounter with the Japanese Police

The personal liberty is one of the essential elements for a thriving life and society. It's the belief that each and every individual is the proprietor of his life and has the liberty living it as he thinks adding into consideration that it is not at the expense of others rights. The concept of self-ownership embeds the principle that you, and only you, should have authority over your own person.

In a free society, we hold the concept that every interaction shall be voluntary. This means that paying of taxes, following senseless laws, and participating in activities he-doesn't agree with, should be things that nobody is forced to do against his own will. Voluntarism ensures that the relationships and exchanges are to be mutually benefited as well as consensual which lead to a more harmonized and cooperated society.

Moreover, the system we advocated is so that free market operates without the government intervention. Within such a system, businesses and individuals engage in the marketplace governed by forces of supply and demand, not figurative whim of bureaucrats. In such unimpeded contact between economic actors of the system, resources are allocated most efficiently, innovation can take place, and wealth is created to benefit society at large.

One must realize that personal liberty does not denote an individual being alone or being selfish. It is about realizing another person's right to make choices as long as they do not infringe upon a person's freedom and at the same time realizing that a society where everybody can strive for his own interest will be more dynamic, prosperous and just. It’s a society where we can cooperate and collaborate freely, not under compulsion or coercion.

All things considered, personal freedom is about embracing the liberty to live life according to own rules, respecting others' right to do the same and realizing that in a truly free society, we all have goodwill and chances to be full members of humankind.

 4 months ago  

We should freely obey laws. It is good cooperation between an individual and well progressive society. Laws snapped us in an organized manner. Either we enjoy freedom or we do some systemic restrictions, laws are essentials to keep us progressive.