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RE: Your Anger is Valid

in Hive Learners2 years ago

There's quite a lot of truth in this article. Anger is a natural emotion, completely human and we must acknowledge it rather than repress it.

Although, unlike some other emotions, I don't think anger is something that we should be excited to feel but we just have to learn to manage it. I personally don't like being angry but when I am, I don't try to pretend. I let out how I feel, except in words and not action.

I agree with you, anger is one of those emotions that should be responded to and not reacted to. I also like how you mentioned that it helps us become aware of our boundaries.


Thanks for the really well thought out comment and feedback :) I appreciate it!


I personally don't like being angry but when I am, I don't try to pretend. I let out how I feel, except in words and not action.


I love this! ❤️

I really don't like feeling anger either. It's uncomfortable!

And I don't think staying in that kind of state for long periods can be healthy physically... because it's intense in the body as well...

Nicely noted 😊👍👏

 2 years ago  

It's my pleasure

I'm glad you do! 😊.

Oh yes it's not, anger can affect us physically too.

