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RE: New-bies Initiative Task - My Hive Goals For the Next 3 Months

in Hive Learners2 years ago

hehehe best of luck to you on these goals!! they are certainly going to be achievable for you!!!! I know it! I'm excited to see this new batch of newbies coming in! I notice so many familiar faces and can't wait to see how everyone thrives!

 2 years ago  

Awwwww, thank you so much the Original dreemer 🤩

I didn't really set a high goal for myself considering my numerous daily activities at home with my boys, however I am trying my possible best to achieve more than my set goals and at the end of our training, get more knowledge on how things are mostly done here on hive.

I discovered that I haven't explore more on different Communities due to time constraints especially in dreemport challenge 🤦, yes I know about it and always come late but hopefully I should be conversant with all that with time.

Once again, thanks a bunch for wishing me well 🤩 hehehe