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RE: The Most Important Equation to Understand.

in Hive Learners11 months ago

Very valid points you have laid out, one has to set goals before pursuing. I think making wise choices still has some relation with self denial because in making the wise choice you choose to deny yourself the wrong one. Great analogy by the way. I will love to read more of your post.

 11 months ago  

You are absolutely correct. You have to say to the choices that don't get you where you want to go. Some of those choices can be very tempting...just ask any guy who cheated on his wife! Or I suppose any woman who cheated on her diet 😉

However it's also a point of view am I saying no to a tempting ice cream sundae or yes to healthy lifestyle.

Point of view and frame of mind so much in every aspect of life.

As the saying "it's mind over matter"...

.... if you don't mind.. it don't matter .

Thanks for the response and have a great day

Great analogy😏😁.

Yes mind over matter. Thanks for responding.