The Thrill of my First Job Ever

in Hive Learners10 months ago

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I had just finished university and did not want to stay at home and idle. I still needed money for data and the rest because finishing school marked the end of monthly allowance. My next step was to find a job while waiting to start my clearance in school.

I went looking for a job around my area so I would not pay much transportation and back then I really did not want to teach with the burden of planning and writing lesson notes, so I opted for being a sales person at an electric shop, although the pay was really low I still took the job. It was my first job and I was excited and did not bother much about the pay at that moment. I began working there everyday, Mondays through saturdays.

At first it was not stressful and annoying…ok let me talk about the good parts first.

What did I learn in my new job?

While i was in senior secondary 1, i had this project to make an electric socket circuit on a wooden board and power on a bulb attached to it. That sounded like a whole lot of complication to me then and I did not even attempt it. In case you wondered, yes i did not do so well on that subject as that practical had a bigger percentage of marks.

A few weeks into my salesperson position, my boss came back to the shop with wooden boards and said he was going to make the electric extension. I was excited as it brought memories of the past and i was eager to learn, he made the first one and before you know it, here i was making it and it felt so simple that i regretted not attempting in school back then but anyways i was glad i could make it now and it worked without any hiccups. I announced to my family members and friends that I won an award. I learnt how to measure a yard without using a tape, learnt the different types of sockets and lampholders.
I even went as far as changing the lampholder in my bathroom but never got around to actually putting a bulb and seeing if it worked. I believed in my skills too much to check, I will soon tho.

I had to leave.

Overtime, as days turned to weeks and months, after my first paycheck, I could not even do enough with the small amount of money, plus the stress of everyday morning to evening. I began questioning myself if it was worth it. I made the decision to leave after two months and find another job with a better pay. So I told my boss and he began looking for someone else.

Alas I left that place and found another one with a much better pay compared to it.

Will I go back there?

I honestly did enjoy working there, my boss was a kind and nice person plus i got to learn some handy skills. So if i had the option of choosing to work there in the first place, i will make that same decision all over again. But currently I would not go back because things have changed and I have gotten other interests.

P.S- i no longer practice my half baked electrical electronics after one fateful day i almost burnt my house while trying to change a socket. I would stick to just fixing my spoilt appliance and not actual house connected wires.

Thank you for reading.

 10 months ago  

😅😅😅 Half-baked electrical electronics you said? But you already told your family and friends that you won an award. Anything electric scares me, so you really did well learning and working in that shop. Good to know you got something better doing now with a different interest from electric shop. Am scared of shock😅

🤣🤣Yes o, half baked because I almost caused a fire disaster once. It could be scary if one does not know much about it.

Thank you for reading.🤗

 10 months ago  

Oh, I used to work in electronics shop too back in time and it was fun tbh!

In learning curve and eventually left...your story reminded me off those days.. well, it's good to know you had a nice boss and enjoyed working there.. I guess that was a good decision leaving.. since doing a job that doesn't cover expensive make no sense.


I glad I could bring you some nostalgia. Yea no point if it doesn’t cover bills.
Thank you for stopping by.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@idksamad78699(1/5) tipped @elentiyaroberts

Thank you @idksamad78699

 9 months ago  

 9 months ago  

It’s always good to prioritise experience over pay…although a standard pay keeps you motivating but we shouldn’t hesitate to join in even at low wages and see you got something to kearn that you missed in your school life

Really glad for your second job ..i hope you will enjoy this journey as well

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