in Hive Learners2 years ago

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Good day to you all.
One wish that I wish would come true. Let me start by saying there are multiple wishes I wish would come true right now but we've been asked to talk about just one. That makes it a tough one.

After thinking about it multiple times, I have concluded on a single wish I want so bad. It also kinda summarizes the other wishes, or at least, makes it easier to achieve the other wishes. That singular wish would be - the ability to control time!

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This has been portrayed in multiple movies where characters have been adorned with superpowers that enable them to move through time to the past,future, and present as they wish. Some of these movies include Prince of Persia, The Flash, The Marvel Cinematic Universe, amongst others.

On to why I would want to make such a wish. There are many things I wish I could go back to correct in my past. Not exactly like I regret them, but I just feel like I would be better off with some little tweaks and changes here and there along the way. Life decisions like what course I came to study in the University, not letting some people go, and avoiding some others.

I think it's quite unfair that we only live once, and do not get any practice at this 'living' thing. We are expected to just know what to do every step of the way, and have it all figured out at age 16. The pressure from everyone can get a bit overwhelming to be honest. And any time lost cannot be regained. It is lost forever. There are no do-overs. That is exactly why I want the ability to manipulate time. I think if I could restart my life as a baby with all the information ai have now gathered about life. I would do a better job the second time around.

That said, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. It is on this premise that I realize that this is just a tall wish that would never come to pass. At least, not in real life. Maybe in some fantasy land in my dreamscape while I sleep😅.

We just have to get up everyday and keep doing the best we can, and hope that somehow, it all works out in the end.

Thanks for reading and for the consistent support.

 2 years ago  

Don't we all love the supernatural??
To control time, that will be lovely

 2 years ago  

It would've been really lovely

 2 years ago  

I think I need this wish to come true more than anyone.

 2 years ago  

Someone's with me on this!

 2 years ago  

Wow a superpower wish to control time that's good but while you are at it just don't dwell to much on the past because the future holds more than we can imagine, things would be better in future when we start making the right decision form now. Thanks for sharing

 2 years ago  

Thanks for the encouraging words

 2 years ago  

You're welcome

 2 years ago  

Control the time? What's a supernatural wish you know 🤩

Don't worry much about your past mistakes, don't ever dwell in the past, just be focused and be consistent in pursuing your dreams and at last you will definitely smile at how much you later achieved your set goals.

 2 years ago  

😂😂😂Of course, I know it's just a fantasy wish.
Thanks so much for your kind words
They are appreciated

 2 years ago  

You are welcome friend 😊

 2 years ago  

wow! wishing to be a superhero.
This is quite wonderful though having the ability to control time.
I use to dream of bein a supersheroso some times.
Queite funny but nice

 2 years ago  

😅 thank you very much
Of course, it's only just a wish

If you are a fan of The Flash, then you know that when you mess with the timeline there will be consequences, will you face those consequences?😂🤣
Anyway, this is truly a beautiful post, I enjoyed reading it.
Thank you for sharing it with us.

 2 years ago  

Of course I'm a fan of The Flash😂
Well, up until they started extending the story too much. But you're very right!
Can't mess with the timeline.
The present is a gift. Let's not waste it dwelling on the past.

 2 years ago  

You know messing with timeline comes with grief consequences right??
We all make mistakes and always wish they can be corrected.

 2 years ago  

It's so crazy how your comment is relatable to The Flash movie and also right at the same time.
The present is a gift. Let's not waste it

 2 years ago  

I was shocked to see a superhero but that's amazing

 2 years ago  

What's a good write up without the element of surprise somewhere.
Glad you like it

 2 years ago  

The ability to control time, there is a lot of things you would be able to do if you could control time.

 2 years ago  

A whole freaking lot!
Alas, it is but a fantasy wish🥲

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  

Everyone always said that, and I don't doubt it.
But like any skill, you get better at it the more you do it.

However, that's not really realistic
So we just gotta make the best of the one life we've got