How I Manage To Cope With Stress

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

Hy friends, happy new week and wishing every member of the community a blessed week. Hope you are having an awesome day.

Stress is one things that if not carefully manage, it could lead to breakdown of the body. When I refer to body breakdown am literally talking about it paving way for sickness or even death. The body is expected to be managed with enough of rest after a day activity that involves stress.


I want to present the way I cope with stress even at my place of work.
The following are ways I cope with stress

Time to rest
Resting is very essential for the body. It makes you feel relaxed after a stressfull job of the day. In between my job, I find time to rest too even if it’s for 10 – 20 minutes and it has been helping me out.

Energy drink
Sometime I do take some light refreshment that contains energy giving ingredients. This has also helped me to be pro-active in my job and I’m been released of less stress. But I don’t do this every day at least thrice a week. It has been helping me.

Taking fruit
I love fruits so much. And it has been helping be stay healthy. I take fruits such as oranges, cucumber, and apples. It helps me function effectively during stress situations. Not only when am working I do take some fruits, No. when I wake up, I do take fruits too and it has helps me a lot.


Photo By Me

Stress is not good for the body because it makes the body wear out, you become weak, tired at every point in time. In short at age twenty, you look like someone who is within the range of fourty to fifty years of age.


 2 years ago  

Worry kills people it's a very bad thing to instill in people at a young age I think we should prepare ourselves mentally for this.
Thanks for such a nice post

 2 years ago  

Yea, friend. Thanks for reading.

 2 years ago  

I couldn't agree less. Taking time to rest and also having some fruits can be helpful.
If we don't take care of ourselves by pushing stress away, it's capable of causing breakdown.

 2 years ago  

That's true, thanks for reading.

 2 years ago  

Stress is a normal human reaction that happens to everyone so the ability to manage stress more effectively comes from managing oneself.
Thanks for sharing 😊.

 2 years ago  

Yes that's true.

And the sad thing is that stress does not just affect the body, it also affects the mind. And can make one ill unnecessarily.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

Yea. It may lead to emotional imbalance too