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RE: Remaking the interpretation

in Hive Learners8 months ago

I don't know why most ladies see being chubby as something bad, but it's very cool for me. The only time I think any one should dispise it, is when it's posing threats to their health. There is no reward for either being slim or chubby. Nevertheless you have done well, I know it took a lot of discipline to achieve that kind of result, keep it up and in no time you will arrive at the kind of shape you desire

 8 months ago  

Being chubby is fine until it becomes lethal for you whether you are judged or rejected (or if it becomes a hurdle in attaining a healthy lifestyle). I transformed myself to achieve both goals. Thanks for the presence❤️

 8 months ago  

Smiles.. but you didn't share any of your beautiful picture with us🥰

 8 months ago  

Shishh it's secret 😁

 8 months ago  

Hehehe 🤣🤣🤣