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RE: Baby Steps Almost Cost Me The Journey!

in Hive Learnerslast year

Indeed no one just jumps into perfection over night. Everyone once started from somewhere before they got to the point where they are today. It is just like the baby steps you mentioned earlier on.

Ten thousand words sounds like a Forever assignment to me, I can't really imagine how many days it will take me to achieve a thing like that heheh.. that's if I don't even run out of ideas. But this is something you did repeatedly wow!! I comot cap for you sir😁😁.

Determination, and that fire of never giving up is what always sets the boundary between average men and those who made it to the top. I was just wondering how you managed to sit and copy ten thousand words from a book to your phone. That alone is a great lesson, depicting patience as one of the raw materials to perfection.

 last year  

Omo... patience😂
I had to learn patience ooo. Hunger forced me. And also, the will to deliver to my client. I was still new in the business and so I was willing to make a mark. I've never regretted taking that first job.

Thank you for reading.

 last year  

Heheh.. you're welcome sir