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RE: Lockdown or no lockdown

in Hive Learners2 years ago

What might look like a disadvantage to someone can be a great advantage to someone, guess that is why we are all made differently. Those working online made a lot of money during the lock down, I can't imagine how the accounts of people like mark zugaberg swell that year. Those running forex were just giving testimonies of how they hit a lot of money and those running other online/ social businesses.

The thing is, that lockdown was not bad to everyone, I am sure that many people would not mind if the world shuts down again but not because of diseases rather if it will be possible for fun hehe. Even in my side there were shops around for one to get food and other minor things, food was not a problem to some persons, but others ran out of money and had nothing to eat because they were running petty businesses in the market and some need to go to offices like teachers in private schools before they could earn. As soon as they ran out of money, it became hell for them. This is the reason why I don't pray for another lockdown to occur.

 2 years ago  

yea i also know of certain people that made a lot of money during the lockdown, it was a source of blessing for some people.... that is life, never balanced

 2 years ago  

Heheheh! Seriously, while others were suffering and spending all they had on food, some were making cool cash. We really need to look for another scale for this life, it has to balance o