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RE: Without hard work, talent is useless.

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Though we might be talented, but if we do not build our talents for the better it might not profit us much. That parable in the bible you gave instance with is a very strong message, the master gave them talents each according to their abilities that was what the bible say, one thing I keep wondering is, how does the guy with five reached that level of five? I believe he didn't just start with the ability to make five Talent, probably it was one like the first guy but he coupled it with hard work, he gave himself no rest until he sharpened his talent until it became a weapon that sustained his life and career. he didn't just want to called a talented guy but a talented guy with a difference

 2 years ago  

Indeed, a talented guy with a difference. I love that word and this is possible when we work extra hard to achieve our aims. It is indeed good to work really hard if we want to be known or achieve the best and this will definitely be a bonus to us as we would be wanted everywhere if we are delivering the best work. Thank you so much for your comment.

 2 years ago  

No hard work, no good reward 😁😁..
You are always welcome ma.. it nice to hear from you 🥰🥰.. I know say better dey for me na😁😁