Saving A Loved One Is Saving Yourself

in Hive Learners6 months ago (edited)

Saving A Loved One Is Saving Yourself

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In life, everything that has to do with genuine love is for better, or for worse. Don't even think you are doing anyone a favor, you are doing it for yourself subsequently, you might be in the same situation and if you dont, be glad you were of help because if you weren't there, imagine what would become of them.

In our journey with our loved ones, there will be days when the journey will be all fun and there will be days when it will push us to the wall, causing severe inconveniences but that is it, love demands sacrifices.

A good friend of mine always says "Friendship is for inconveniences." He believes that as friends we would surely inconvenience each other at one point or the other and seriously that isn't a lie, whether we like it or not, inconveniences will come either from you or them.

It's not easy to make sacrifices for others. Sometimes it will get you angry, sometimes makes you smile. There is always inconvenience attached to love, but it is worth it.

Yesterday, the news of Nasarawa State University Students who died in the process of receiving the two bags of rice from the state government as a form of relief from the situation in the country was just trending on social media.

I felt so sorry for those innocent students. Imagine what hunger is doing out there to people. This is a call for us to be more sacrificial and kind than ever.

It's time we learn how to start checking on our loved ones to know how they are faring and support them with the little we have.

I am a very young man, I know I have not done so much for my loved ones, but one thing with me is, except I don't know you are in need, I'll go to any length to ensure that I am of help.

In my journey with my loved ones, especially my family, I can't count the number of times I made certain sacrifices to ensure that things keep moving, I believe everyone here does the same thing.

My younger sister started college last year. You know school life, especially high institutions, is all about money. The day you will stop spending is when you finally graduate. Lecturers just have special means to extort money from students.

Colleges of Education might not be like polytechnics and universities. In the College of Education, at least from my experience, you will buy everything, textbooks, handouts, in fact, even to submit assignments sometimes we pay. It is mandatory, failure to do so would cost you more than you can afford, so to be on the safer side, you better do what you see everyone doing.

When my mother was still living at the family house, (I wrote a post about how I left my family house last week) I decided to visit her one of those days, after we exchanged greetings, I ate and drank, that was one of the basic reasons why I visited, LoL. Then my mom began telling me about some books my sister called asking for money to buy.

At first, I showed no interest, but when I noticed my mom had no money and the whole thing was making her worry because my sister mentioned that she might carry over those courses if she didn't get the book, I felt bad.

The only money I had on me then was the money I wanted to get some foodstuff and renew my data subscription.

When I got home, I was restless, so I called my sister and asked how much the money was, she told me that it was exactly what I had in my account. I was stuck between whether to send everything or just send half, after considering some things, I man up and transferred everything to her.

I became empty. I called one of my friends and begged him to subscribe for me, that I was going to pay him back by the following week, and he did, lucky me. The thing is I had some money on Hive that week but it was under upcoming, I couldn't access it from my work, till month's end.

Though I had to manage things throughout those days, subsequently everything came back to normal. One thing I am happy about was she brought a very good result home for that semester, at least my sacrifice didn't go in vain.

There are many ways we could protect our loved ones, it doesn't necessarily have to be defending them literally alone, it could be through advice, financial support, and also through giving them our time and attention.

Thanks For Reading

 6 months ago  

Making sacrifices like this is a must when you are someone who truly cares about your family. You definitely deserve don't want to see them lack and you will just keep giving your best just to see them happy.

I can relate to this and you are definitely a guy with a huge heart just like me... Well done bro, God will keep strengthening you.

 6 months ago  

Hmm! You are right, sacrifices like this will always knock at our doors as long as we don't want to see our loved ones suffer harm.

Amen sir, God will strengthen us all. Thanks for stopping by

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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏

 6 months ago  

Thank you🥰

@emreal, you are most welcome!

 6 months ago  


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 6 months ago  

Thank you 🥰

 6 months ago  

I think we make countless sacrifices for our beloved person and I feel it's kind of our responsibility and we need to protect them in any case even if we suffer for it. Feeling good to hear that the output was positive.

emreal, intishar sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/3) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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 6 months ago (edited) 

Thanks for the luv

 6 months ago  

Thanks true sir, it's our responsibility, we should always be ready to answer the call whenever the need arises. Thanks for reading bro

What if you are saving a loving on always but loving one does not care about it?

 6 months ago  

Just play your part and let the person be, the truth is we can't force love out of people

What if the loved one don’t want to be saved by you, then what do you do

 6 months ago (edited) 

You won't give up on them, especially if they are your family. Most people do things out of ignorance, sometimes it's our persistence in refusing to give up on them until they change that makes the difference in the end.

But incases where they feel they are too big to be saved byvyou, then you should step aside and lwt life teach them the lesson

 6 months ago  

Your friend did not lie at all, friendship and love will unconvinced you but what are friends for?

 6 months ago (edited) 

Hehehe, that's true boss... What are friends for if not for inconvinces🤣🤣

 6 months ago  

A good friend of mine always says "Friendship is for inconveniences."

That was a very thoughtful words, definitely there will be times we have to carry each other's burdens

 6 months ago  

For sure, it's life, we live by leaning on each other. Thanks for stopping by sir

 6 months ago  

Love is a powerful weapon, it can't be measured. In this life, don't expect your loved ones to be perfect in all things. They will offend you in one way or the other, what will take away the offense is the love you have for them. Thank you for sharing with us.

 6 months ago  

You are very right dear, if we ourselves can't be perfect, don't it's wrong to expect perfection from another person.

 6 months ago  

Thank you❣️🥰
