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RE: Old age is a gift from above.

in Hive Learnerslast month

Of all the contributions have been reading regarding this topic, yours seems to be the one that aligns with my perspective. I read one just now, the person mentioned the fact that a parent gave birth to you doesn't mean they are entitled to being supported by their children, I was like ah!!!

Even if a parents does not fully perform their responsibility, that does not warrant harsh treatment from their children. Though the care might vary but a parent will always remain a parent. Some of them did not know any better but at the end they will regret their actions.

I consider it an heavenly duty to take care of our parents irrespective of their attitude or crimes.

 last month  

I saw your comment 😂. I was like what the heck! When I started reading the post 😂.

Anyways it depends on our mentality and the way we see things. But I think karma is also in check with what we do. We care for them, one day we would also get old too, we don’t care for them, we might also get old.

So why not just care for them as much as we can. And train our kids too.