Love and care a guide to good parenting

in Hive Learners4 months ago (edited)

Parenting a child is about showing love, kindness and warmth. raising and supporting the child to act in the right way by encouraging and teaching them good morals. The joy of every union between a man and a woman is the cry of a baby in their home. Most a times people tend to say their home is not bless when there are no children and that's why children are indeed heritage from God.


Parenting a child is one of the most difficult task to do as it entails lots of sacrifice and I bet it is not for the weak hearted. imagine raising another human like yourself from right inside the womb till they are old enough to take care of theirselves which will definitely take about 18years and more before they begin to make vital decisions on their own. The journey to become a mom and dad starts right from when the child is in the womb because daily you need to converse with the baby and also advice the baby. OK here is a practical example few years back I traveled to the federal capital Abuja for a construction skill and since most of the ladies I came in contact with were forming high class babe, so I made friends most with the married ones.

One of the women was pregnant and whenever the baby starts to play in her womb and kicking her she would always tell the child to stop hurting her and be calm and the baby will respond I wonder how the baby understands the language. In the morning she greets the baby when she's up and say words like "good morning baby it's a new day please be good and stay calm mummy and daddy loves you" and same with when she's going back to bed. I know you must be wondering how I know, that's because I usually spend enough time with her and even at noon she talks to her child and will tell me to come feel as the baby moves around. I was happy doing that not until she put to birth and the baby was about five months old she asked me to come take care of the child while she goes to the market. my God I cried that day after all my failed attempts to calm the child when crying there was nothing I didn't do to console the baby but none worked then I realized how it is to raise a Child and I told myself I was not ready for the emotional stress but that was because I went through hell calming the baby.


What I will do when my child deviate from my good teachings

Its a thing of joy when a child grows up and follow all the good pattern his or her parents taught them like there is no greater joy making your parent proud. But the big question is what if they deviate from my pattern? Off course am not going to be harsh on my child rather I will give him all the love and affection he or she needs, maintain a good relationship with them because at that stage bonds can easily be broken which after am going to establish an effective communication system. From communicating more with my child i get clue as to where and how the sudden change occured which will help me know how to go about the whole stuff and how to render my petition to God. but most importantly love is the key to winning back my jewels. And if they decides to go the right part wow they have my full blessings cause at the end I gets all the praisees from the public for raising great kids.

Writing was inspired by @HiveLearners community weekly featured contents W113e2 A Changed Child. do well to subscribe to the community to also participate in the weekly prompts.

Thank you for your time, peace 🕊️

 4 months ago  

In the same way, if parents treat their child well and love them, the child is also very happy and understands the difficulties of the life ahead and knows how to live life.

 4 months ago  

That's right.

 4 months ago  


 4 months ago  

From communicating more with my child i get clue as to where and how the sudden change occured which will help me know how to go about the whole stuff and how to render my petition to God.

Regular communication with children does help to know what steps they are taking and how they can be helped even after they have chosen a different path.

 4 months ago  

Yeah that's absolutely right.

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