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RE: Returning The Favor

in Hive Learnerslast month

You've said it all bro, as children we should always do what we can to support our parents even when they have the resource.

Next week is my mom's birthday and I and my siblings already planned a surprise package just a little token of appreciation which is definitely not a big deal. It is only an immature child that won't support his or her parents.

 last month  

Yes yes we must do what we can to support them if they need it cuz they also helped many years of our life growing up

Wow a surprise package? You mean like delivery?

 last month  

Yes it going to be a home delivery cause I still live with my mom and don't want to raise any form of alarm.

 last month  

oh i see what did u guys get flowers/?

 last month  


A birthday cake, wrapper and a pair of shoe.

 last month  

oh wow that's nice too! Hope it goes well or went well if it alr past haha