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RE: [EN/PT-BR] Science and technology in the health sector, advances and fears!

in Hive Learners26 days ago

Yeah, I know many people resort to the "natural state of things" to disagree with many research projects and science applications, when in reality it entails a double standard. To them It's ok to stop the natural course of cancer, but it's not ok to clone a sheep. The argument from profanity is not relevant, but the one about the ethical implications about having a party of clones is interesting. This debate about ethics is endless.

 25 days ago  

It's a pretty cool thing to think about, isn't it? The moral and ethical issues of mass cloning of humans are very interesting. Would they have rights to documents? Passport? Families? Labor rights? Or would we just treat them as soldiers, cloned pieces of meat ready for combat?

It's a good subject for creating speeches and theories.