MONEY TREE - one wish

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hi there,

This is my first time posting in this amazing community, been through the different posts and I see the “amazingness” ( if that's a word)in everyone and It is great to be part of something amazing. Thanks, @reineesmay for the invite and for taking me through the verification steps which I have completed.

The question for today's Edition asks

If you had one wish to make, and that wish would come true, what would it be? Tell us what it is and why you would make such a wish.


It sound unrealistic and impossible but would the idea to have a money tree be so bad?
The only thing I want to worry about is how to maintain my money tree. I want a life where I just have to go to my backyard or front yard whichever place it chooses to grow and just pluck what I need to settle my daily expenses.

image source

There is serious inflation of price on everything, food, clothes, fuel, transportation and a lot more around the world because I do not want to believe it's just my country Nigeria this issue is happening, and the salary and minimum wage remain the same which means everyone has to work extra hard or get extra means of income to be able to survive and live comfortably.

Sometimes I wonder why we have to struggle to be able to live a better and more comfortable life. It would be a dream come true if everyone could own a money tree and survive off it rather than the daily hassle for money or the increase in crime for this same money.

I remember as a child whenever I request money for my regular sweet and junk from my father, he responds most of the time that he doesn't have and I would suggest we go to the bank to get money.

Because in my head the bank was the tree and it was just far from home because it has to be protected by the police from robbers. so whenever anyone needed money all we had to do was walk in and collect some, that all I believed for a long time till I was able to understand that I had to earn money before I keep them in the bank.

just imagine a life where money grew on trees

It would be amazing to know that I do not have to go to the work I hate every day just to earn money when all I need to do is keep growing the money tree at home

I would have the means to provide the best life for myself, my family, and everyone I love

the world won't have to call anyone poor anymore because everyone would have access to this same source of money.

If there is any service I need that money can afford I get, no more waiting in line, getting rejections and unnecessary extortions just to get the basic service.

I can go on and on of the amazing things, that would happen to us all only if my wish came through.

Well, we never know, but if for some miracle you find out there could be an amazing tree that grows money, send the Information my way😉.

 2 years ago  

Having a money tree is definitely not bad, infact I love that wish, no one will be poor again and everyone will have to enjoy life without stress of getting money.

But if there's money tree, it means trees will be scarce😂😂

Anyways I love your idea

 2 years ago  

Wow... If money grows on trees hope you are ready to fight me...😂😂
Because we are going to drag this all through babe
The problem is that other people other people won't allow only the two of us to fight sef
Everywhere will be just be trouble because everyone will want to plug some more🥰🥰😁

 2 years ago  

Imagine everyone has their own in their need for fight...only greedy person would another persons tree..we have too many greedy people in this world.

So fight may be inevitable las las

 2 years ago  

Thank God you know that there are alot of greedy people, but am not among them oo🤓🤓
Even with your own tree of money at home someone will still follow you to your house and cause trouble
Why do you think we have thieves 😂😂😅

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

Hahahahaha won’t be a bad idea actually
Money trees

 2 years ago  

that's what I thought when I was a kid, it turns out that what I thought in the past there are still people who think about it until now.😅👌

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Well... who would not like a tree that grows money? The thing is that even if such a tree existed it would probably be cut down because people will want to steal it.
We can only hope that the little we can do will be sufficient for us and our families.
Thank you for sharing this with us, and it is good to have you here in our community. You will have a great time😁

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

A money tree would have been very good 😀. But realky no body would want to work at all for money - when its not the garden of Eden. And if there was only one tree of that kind, @estherscott, it will be well guarded and the owners of those tree would have serial unrest..
Abeg lets keave it as it is.

 2 years ago  

I understand you completely

 2 years ago  

If money grew on trees it might be useless though 😆

 2 years ago  

This is the funniest Wish post i have read. 😆
Pls if your wish comes true ,gift me seeds from the tree. Hahaha

 2 years ago  

😂 most definitely

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  

In a world ruled by money, it's just impossible to achieve equality.

FACTS!!!but one can atleast dream of a world with equality😂
