The Importance of Physical Appearance in Job Interviews

in Hive Learners25 days ago

Appearance tells more about who you are, it is a replica of yourself, appearance plays a vital role in job hiring process, it should be the first thing to be considered in an interview because the way you appear makes them feel attracted to you and talk more about your personality, some organizations don't need your brain, all they want is how attracted you can be and how neat and adorable you dress.

One of my friends was called for an interview and she passed the interview, one condition they gave her was to be wearing make-up all the time because the position she was about to hold was the center of attraction to any customer that would walk inside the company, she is like the secretary to the company, what got her the job was her appearance, she is someone that is beautiful and knows how to combine colors, they do not need her skill all they want from her is the appearance and her beauty.


Not all organization needs your skills or want to know how intelligent you are, all they want is the way you comport yourself and the way you interact with customers, they need you to be friendly, neatly dressed, and smell nice, only that can give you a job in those organization, for example, people working in the hotel, they only need you to be attractive and well mannered when it comes to attending to their customers, they do not need your knowledge or understanding about the job because that is not what will bring money to the company, most of them needs a beautiful lady with good shape, who can dress to impress the customers.

Appearance should be considered, you may have all it takes as an employee but you do not know how to attract customers, or how to attract people who can spend their last token to invest in your company, we all see that most companies need people who can dress well and also have the skill to represent them in every area.

I am not saying that appearance should be the only criteria to employ someone but it should be considered like it used to be, since you are ready to work in an organization then you must learn how to dress well. A good examples are the bankers, we do see how they dress to impress us and the way they interact with customers goes a long way as well, we can not just neglect the part of appearance because if we do they will never look attracted to us and they can be losing customers if they are not properly dressed.

Your appearance gives you self-confidence when it comes to the interview, even without saying anything you can win the hearts of the interviewers with the way you dress, appearance plays a huge role in people's lives, I have seen someone who was employed because of the way he dressed and how good he smells, dressing is one of the major criteria when it comes to the interview.


No one will ever employ someone who looks rough even if you are skilled, intelligent, and smart, your appearance can take up to 60% then your skill can take 20% while your manner and comportment can take the rest of the percentage, an adage says the way you dress is the way you will be addressed, this is true in terms of employment.


Is this a system that you would change if you could?

I can never change the system if I have the power to do, besides this is a criteria that gives the employee an edge to get a job, I am not saying that skills are not important but your appearance comes first before the interviewer can proceed with the interview, your appearance has its percentage and they must score your performance before leaving the organization. Always dress to impress because you need their review and a good one at that.

I would say it can be overlooked by other companies like construction companies, mining companies, factories, or other related companies that don't deal with paperwork but in a corporate organization like a bank, or law firm it can never be possible because they use their appearance to entice their customers. Let us inculcate the habit of dressing well.

This is my entry for today's episode of hivelearners community prompt of #hl-w115e2 which is tagged "PHYSICAL APPEARANCE"


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 25 days ago  

Appearance is key oooo. Thanks so much for sharing

 25 days ago  

Looking good itself is a skill, that thing is not easy... Even for me😏

 25 days ago  

Representing the company in meetings and events are important the vestiments and appearance , but I think depending of the job that is needed!

 25 days ago  

Physical appearance balanced with good skill set will be great. I also support your idea on why dressing is important. Thanks for this awesome write-up.

 24 days ago  

Physical appearance should be the first thing you should consider before going for any interview because the way we dress really matters.

 24 days ago  

Appearance is key, it's the most important factor to be considered in an interview, cause you can't leave your house looking all unserious going for an interview doesn't make sense. My boss has fired someone because of that as well.

Appearance is important during interview because your first impression matters. I love your point of view about the topic.

 23 days ago  

In most organisations, what they look at first is your dressing. They don't want to know skills you have got, once you are able to dress well and in decent way, they consider that even before looking through what you have got to offer the company.

Looking good is something I don't take for granted at all.


 23 days ago  

I will say regardless of the kind of job you are applying for, it's crucial that we appear smartly and officially as a job seeker. This shows commitment before the interviewer. So yea, it's a factor that shouldn't be overlooked