in Hive Learnerslast month (edited)

Life comes in times and in seasons, there are basically 3 seasons of life which are the childhood, adulthood and old-age phases of life synonymously represented as the morning, afternoon and evening phases of life respectively. As we know, parenting comes with sacrifices and is also a labour and for every labour, there must be a reward. Therefore, it is a good and awesome thing for a child to give back to his/her parents most especially when they are alive.


There are 3 major perspectives or believes which to me are wrong as regarding parent-children care especially the children to parents:

(a) That children are a retirement plan or old-age benefit: This is common in developing countries where children are seen as an old age/retirement assets and hence, raised for such purpose. I think this is wrong and such perspective needs to be changed, children shouldn't be dependent on 100% when old and hence, parents needs to see ahead and make plans for such themselves with whatever coming from children as addictions.

(b) Wrong believe of benefitting funeral as against a benefitting old age enjoyment: By experience, i have seen huge amount of money spent on funerals in which the deceased died as a miserable geriatric. To me, i believe if that huge amount is spent on the oldies while still alive, it is far better than it spent on their funerals after they might have departed. With such, many of them would have live longer, happier and fulfilled than they when they died.

(c) Wrong attitude to give back to parents only at convenience or in abundance: This is the greatest challenge or setback many capitalizes on for not giving back to their parents and many later regretted it ot misses out on something better for their lives.
A child that can give back in insufficiency will give back in abundance and moreover, it's a good thing yo give back to any person, thing, system that has been helpful to ones becoming in life nomatter how small it is.


I personally believe in a balance approach to any discuss as regarding life and the following are solutions which will be helpful:

(a) We all should think, plan and strategize for each phase of life including the old age: Many enter each of the phases of life especially the afternoon (adulthood) and evening (Old-age) without any iota of plan or preparation. No envisioning, no retirement plan, no preparation but entered casually which forced those sets of parents to now wholly depend on their children for survival not minding their own responsibilities too. This is common in developing nations as against tge developed countries.

(b) Children should see giving back to parents as a privilege, honour and opportunity unto greater things and not a burden: It is good to know that giving especially to parents shouldn't be seen as a burden but a privilege to appreciate the labour of our parents. The simple truth is that we can't appreciate them enough for everything but we should do even from the little we have. Even if the parents are self sufficient, still give because the joy of any parent is to see his/her child do well in life than they are.

(c) Starts at your level and know that life is in turns: It's good to give back to parents from ones level and as increase is coming, it can be increased. I believe the proper thing is firstly yo have the right mindset/attitude to this and include them in our plan. Also, it's good to know that we all too will become oldies as life is in turns, so we need to apply wisdom as regarding this so as not to live in regret.

On a final note, i believe it's good for children to take care of their parents when old in honour and appreciation, and not as a burden. In addition, everyone one should prepare ahead for such and hence, live life actively with intentionality and not passively. Thank you all for reading as comments, contributions and suggestions are welcomed. Happy weekend.

This is my entry to @Hivelearners weekly featured contents, week 113 Edition 03 on "A Child's Responsibility"

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 last month  

You are right💯💯💯. Parents should not see children as retirement plans but should ensure they invest for the future so that they won't become a burden.

 last month  

Thanks so much for your comments

 last month  

Exactly! When your parents need you in times of frailty, we shouldn't see it as a burden, but rather as a gesture of love, gratitude, and repayment for what they have done for us throughout our lives.

 last month  

Well spoken 💯
You've said it well and I agree with you
Thanks for reading and commenting

 last month  

Yes this is so true. Also life is all about giving and returning. Those behavior you gave to other will also return to you. So keep you steps safe.

 last month  

Exactly 💯
Well said
Thanks for your wonderful comments

 last month  

God willing, each of us should make the best provision for how we will spend our old age. Surely we would not want to bother our children with the expenses we are going to incur since they may already have children of their own. However if they willingly want to help us I would gladly accept their help, I would not take it as payment for raising them, rather I would feel satisfied because I would know that the values that their mother and father instilled in them bore fruit. I would never force or induce someone to do something they don't want to do, including a child.

 last month  

Apt 💯
You 've spoken well and I quite agree with you. Your perspectives are awesome.
Thanks so much for reading and commenting

 last month  

Every man has his own freedom. have their own point of view. Each person's way of thinking is different. But remember one thing you came to earth. If you are unable to take on your parental responsibilities and duties because of your parents. Then you will be considered ineligible as a child. Because parents if you can't make a beautiful world for your parents. So how do you value your parents who have created a beautiful world for you. Very nice to read your beautiful post very nice and well presented.

 last month  

Awesome contribution 👏
Well spoken 💯
I quite agree with you
Thanks so much for these wonderful comments

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