in Hive Learners22 days ago

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Hello everyone, happy Sunday and happy new week. This is @fab-tay and I welcome us to yet another creative Sunday on @HiveLearners community. For this creative Sunday, i will be doing the cover of the song: "YOU ARE GOOD" by DAVID NKENNOR which is a song of praise and thanksgiving unto God for His goodness to us all.

God alone is worthy to be praised and adored for He deserves our praise and thanksgiving. In several ways and diverse manners we have all enjoyed the goodness of God and we have asked Him for one thing or the other which He did for us. Forgetfulness is the greatest challenge of we humans and the way out is to count our blessings and name them one by one (i.e. taking stock of God's blessing we have enjoyed) for us to really see how much God has been good to us.

I chose this song for this creative Sunday so that we start this week on a note of thanksgiving. Also, this is to encourage someone out there to abound in thanksgiving for this is the way out of every challenges and situations. An attitude of thanksgiving is a blessed attitude not that of murmuring, complaining or complaining which amounts to nothing.

As we go this week, i want to encourage us to have thanksgiving moments because gratitude is the key to more and it determines our altitude. A grateful soul receives more and more. Kindly relax and enjoy this cover. Comment, suggestions, contributions are welcomed, i wish us all a joyful week ahead. Thanks.

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 22 days ago  

You people are here and Nigeria idol is going on, what are you doing my friend, I want to see you on Nigeria idol next year 😂

 22 days ago  

Lol 😂
Thank you friend
Maybe I should look into that 😂

 22 days ago  

Boy you did great with this one!!


 22 days ago  

Thanks so much, I really appreciate


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