in Hive Learners25 days ago (edited)

Child raising is one of the core duties of parents and this involves intentionaity and carefulness because it can be likened to laying a foundation of building or edifice. One of the best gift parents do strive to give their children is that of a sound and rounded training early in life to make them be the best in the future. This includes moral, educational, religious, cultural trainings that makes for a rounded life.

Each parent wants the best for their children and tried to nurture them well based on what they known, believed, experienced or perceived as right. However, this is not a guarantee that tge child knows or have all it takes as he/she will keep learning because there is no end to learning. All to do is to give the basic foundational/quality/right perspective to life which the child should be able to build on.


As a child becomes of age, there are many things he or she can see, hear or observe either directly or indirectly from the parent, neighbors, peers, media, society or elsewhere that if not well taught or if he or she didn't by wisdom verify it or decipher either it's right or wrong, it may impart positively or negatively on him or her. By and large, because of the moral decadence, negative peer influence, wrong parenting model, anomalies in the society and most especially negative civilization/technological impart, it affects alot of children whether young or adolescent to sway from the foundation/basics of life exemplified by their parents.

In such cases, the parents will not be happy with such especially those of negative impacts whose end might be a disaster. I as a parent i will never support a child change whose end i know will be negative. To set the record straight, there are some things a child can never know pass his/her parents because these parents have experienced many sides to life which enabled them to make quality decisions. I as a parent can only support a child's change which is positive not the negatively influenced ones. This i will support after my careful search/reasearch into it because I'm in a better position to guide the child.


In such cases where i noticed a child's change which is evident to me is tending unto negativity, i will firstly call the child for a father-to-child hearty diacussion where counsels and life examples of such will be cited. Also, i will pray to God for a change of mind as concerning this because i believe it is coming from a wrong mindset, ideology or exposure. In addition, i will show the child love because love conquers all evil and is tge greatest weapon of postive change.

It is good to note that life presents everyone with an asset or opportunity to maximize it, therefore everyone will be held responsible or accountable for a life lived to the postive or that wasted. For every action or change, there is a result or consequence that follows it. I encourage every children to shelve youthful exuberances, pride/arrogance and humble oneself to learn how life is in order to make quality decisions and change. The best set of people one can ever have is a good parent. Thank you all for reading as comments, contributions and suggestions are welcomed. Happy mid week.

This is my entry to @Hivelearners weekly featured contents, week 113 Edition 02 on "A Changed Child"

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 25 days ago  

Life is made of choices and their consequences, and I couldn't agree more with that. Is there a better way to learn than by experiencing your own experiences? I don't think so. Loved your text!

 24 days ago  

Thanks so much for your comments

 25 days ago  

I agree with you, parents are the best example that a child can have, and if we see that our children are taking crooked paths, we must correct them in the best possible way and advise them to prevent them from making mistakes that they may regret in the future.

 24 days ago  

Well spoken 💯
Thanks for reading and commenting

 25 days ago  

Sometimes, we just need to leave it for God to do because I've seen some cases where the parents did all they could to amend the child but nothing happened.


@fab-tay! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @kingsleyy. (1/20)

 24 days ago  

Parents are to raise, nurture and train, not to amend. Amendment comes when things go wrong.

In cases where they have done their best in raising the child the best way and by one reason or the other, the child swayed and refuses every caution, then they hand it over to God as you said in prayer and still follow up the child in love and not give up on the child.

Thanks for your comments

 24 days ago  

Yeah, exactly 👍

 25 days ago  

Hmmm this Rhema really diffused into my spirit. Parenting involves intentionality... I'm blessed already. Thanks for sharing.

 24 days ago  

I'm so glad that you are blessed
Indeed, parenting involves intentionality not passiveness.
Thanks for reading and commenting

 24 days ago  

Thanks my brother hoping to read more subsequently.