in Hive Learners2 years ago

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What are the three things I will do If I was made the president of my country for a day?

This is somehow a quite tough question to answer, even though it has always been a good one.
We have all thought of things we would like to do or change if made the president, this are things which is affecting us or the citizens of the country. Although most president had great ideas, but could not accomplish them either by their greediness or due to unforeseen circumstances.

I doubt if you could accomplish everything you want by just being a president a day, somethings just have to follow due process before they are implemented.

Let me just jump in to the three things I will immediately want to achieve or change



This is the number one on my list, we can overemphasize how this affects the growth and image of the country, my country has been among the top corrupted country in the world which is given us a bad image, this affects the citizens and how other country sees us.
If made the president I will implement some things that will reduce this corruption.
These are some of the things I would implement;
Empowering the youth. Youth are the ones also contributing to the corruption to the country, not because they want it to be so, but might be caused by lack of employment, proper education, cultism and so on... I would provide an initiative like Empowering them to start their own business, skill acquisition and free education, I believe it might not stop corruption completely but it will go a long way.
Other things I will do to stop this corruption is to change the Constitution so that the income taxes would reduce to zero and that sale taxes/VAT could only be a maximum of 5%.
I will investigate all political leaders account and recover all money embezzled and make sure this money is use to carryout important things that needed to be done immediately. There many things to do in order to fight this corruption, but I believe this one will also go a long way.

2.Visit the SENATE


When I say I will visit the senate, this time it will not be for good, these senators are among the leaders bringing down the country, they are paid millions every month, not talk of their allowances, they are paid wardrobe, newspaper, car, food and so many allowances which are nit necessary, this allowances can be covered by their salary alone but they choose to still take this huge amount of money.
I will cut all allowances and their salaries too, the money going to senate alone can change the country and it's citizen. My visitation of the Senate will be for the benefit of the country. I believe this will also help in moving the country forward.

  1. The Country Secretes


They say knowledge is power, and I will need this one for my personal use. We all know that every country has their own secrete which is hidden from the masses, this secretes must not be known by anyone apart from higher authorities, I Will order them to take me the place where the country secretes are kept and make sure I get as much information I can access, this secretes contains things that has happened and been happening in country which is not known by many. I would like to know this secretes, this has been in my mind, so I will not hesitate to take advantage of the privilege, I have to know where the problem of my country is coming from.

So guys I have shared with you the three things I would love to do if made the president of my country for a day, so what do you think of this changes, share it with me in the comment box.

I would also read the ideas of my colleagues writing about this topic too.

Thanks for reading

 2 years ago  

Just make sure that you declare your assets before you visit the Senate, they could be very dirty.

You have a great plan, and a careful following of it will give you the country of your dreams.
If only our leaders could read this post😂
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

Fighting corruption could be though, just be careful so the bad leaders won't have their way.

Nice plans you have for the country, I love that

Great ideas, you would really make a good president