Macro Photography of Brown Grasshopper

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hello Community!

Greetings from @fahad3728 to all members. Hope you're all well and having a great time. By the Grace of God I'm also fine. Today I am back with some macro photographs of a insect called Brown Grasshopper. I found this grasshopper sitting on a wall. Its colour was brown and its size was about 18mm. Its one leg was injured and it was struggling to climb that wall. I decided to took some macro shots of it. So with the help of my mobile's macro lens i captured some macro shots of it. It was not moving while i captured it, that's why i managed to get some excellent shots of it. But the due to same background colour its picture doesn't appeal much. However it looks beautiful in macro pictures.
Now I'm going to share its pictures with you guys. Hope you like it.






CameraPoco F3
LensMacro lens
Editing SoftwareLightroom

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