Macro Photography of House Fly

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hello Community!

Hope you're all well and having a great weekend. By the Grace of God I'm also fine. Today I am back with some macro photographs of a house fly. In winters its difficult to find insects to photograph. Because they hide in warm places to remain alive. I found this fly inside my house sitting on a rope. I decided to capture some macro photographs of it. House flies are very active insect. They flew away as soon as you approach it. I know i have to be very careful to get some photographs of it. So i approached it carefully and took some macro shots of it with my mobile's macro lens. It was quite cooperated with me in the process of shooting. Therefore i managed to get some decent images of it. It looks beautiful in macro images.
Now I'm going to share macro photographs of it with you. Hope you guys like it.






CameraPoco F3
LensMacro lens
Editing SoftwareLightroom

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