Macro Photography of Jumping Spider

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hello Community!

Hope you're all well and having a great time. By the Grace of God I'm also fine. Today I'm here with some macro photographs of a beautiful spider. It is a gorgeous jumping spider. It scientific name is Evarcha. Its size was about 7-8mm. I found this spider sitting on a leaf in a sugar cane field. It was looking for some insects to prey. I decided to photograph it, so i approached it with great care so it didn't disturb. Because if it disturbed it will jump away and its very hard to find it again. I took some macro shots of it with my Samsung nx mini camera. I have installed a macro lens on my camera for the purpose of capturing it. It was moving a lot i was struggling to focus on it properly. After few shots it jumped away. However I got some decent shots of it. I love to shoot spiders. I like their two big eye on front. This spider looks beautiful in macro images.
Now I'm going to share its macro pictures with you guys. Hope you like it.






CameraPoco F3
LensMacro lens
Editing SoftwareLightroom

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